Be a donor- Give the gift of life

A resident’s request. You’ll be hearing a lot about this from me in the future. ian

Within the city of Guelph there are currently 12 people waiting for a life saving transplant, and 42 have received the gift of life in the last 5 years.  I am one of them.  I received a new heart just over a year ago and I have not looked back since.  I am one of the lucky ones.  Every three days one person will die waiting for an organ that would save their life.  I know that most people support organ and tissue donation, but the number of people in Guelph who have registered their consent to donate is currently only 29% of OHIP card holders.  Why the disconnect?  More work has to be done to make people aware of what a difference they can make, and dispel the barriers to donation.  I have been working hard doing what I can to build awareness within our community, but I need your help.

So as a start, I invite you to attend the Flag Raising to show your support, and please share the date and time with people in your Wards and at any events you attend. Please give hope to the 12 people currently waiting in our City that they will receive the gift of life. Let’s show them what a ‘caring’ city is.

Be a donor. JP