Business Cases ~ Staffing Changes

A staff memo in response to Councillor Guthrie.

In response to your question about the ability of the organization to respond to staff business cases which may result in changes to the FTE count during the course of the year, the CAO may adjust staffing levels to maintain the level of Council approved programs and services, as long as no new costs are incurred in the current or subsequent budget years.

Embedded in this delegated authority is the responsibility to ensure compliance with the annual estimates of revenue and expenditure (namely, the approved annual budget) approved by Council.

This is detailed in the CAO Bylaw (2011-19310) section 3.b. (Financial Management) that describes duties and responsibilities as follows:

b) To exercise financial control over all Corporate operations in conjunction with the Chief Financial Officer, to ensure compliance with the annual estimates of revenue and expenditure approved by Council:

1. to adjust staffing levels to maintain the level of Council approved programs and services provided that no new costs are incurred in the current or subsequent budget years;
2. where, as a result of emerging priorities (e.g. provincial initiatives, changing community priorities, Council direction) that result in the need to introduce new programs or increased service levels, or to increase staffing levels that add cost to the current or subsequent budget years, to secure Council approval;
3. where service level or program reductions are contemplated, to secure Council approval.  Staff