Community Support for the CEP

Guelph City Council unanimously approved the Community Energy Plan (CEP) at the April 23, 2007  council meeting(see City of Guelph Community Energy Plan Final Report on this site for full details of the plan). This is an ambitious plan to reduce Guelph’s overall energy consumption, source local energy solutions and make Guelph a world leader in sustainability. Support for the CEP is community wide ranging from The City of Guelph, University of Guelph, Friends of Guelph, Union Gas, Guelph Hydro, Chamber of Commerce, Guelph Development Association and most community environmental organizations.

Here are some additional comments from the community:

Guelph Neighbourhood Support Coalition Supporting the CEP

I am sending you an addendum to my presentation last evening to
Council on the Community Energy Plan to make clear the interest by
Guelph Environmental Leadership (GEL) in contributing to its
implementation in the coming months and years. It must be moved
forward constructively. I have attached the addendum here for your review

Addditional CEP comments and support         SR