Council Voting Record September 4, 2007

Moved by Councillor Kovach
Seconded by Councillor Beard
THAT staff be directed to set up a reserve called “Heritage Redevelopment Reserve” in order to support requests for financial  assistance to help offset costs associated with the remediation and the retention of heritage features, and as an investment.
A recorded vote was requested which resulted as follows:
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Beard, Bell, Billings, Farrelly, Findlay, Hofland, Kovach, Laidlaw, Piper, Salisbury and Wettstein, and Mayor Farbridge.
The motion was carried.

Moved by Councillor Kovach
Seconded by Councillor Beard
AND THAT Council approves the Heritage Redevelopment Reserve Policy, as amended.
A recorded vote was requested which resulted as follows:
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Beard, Bell, Farrelly, Findlay, Hofland, Kovach, Laidlaw, Piper, Salisbury and Wettstein, and Mayor Farbridge.
VOTING AGAINST: Councillor Billings
The motion was carried.


Moved by Councillor Findlay
Seconded by Councillor Wettstein
 THAT the report entitled “Proposal to Redevelop 1-7 Douglas  Street (Gummer Building) and 67-71 Wyndham Street North (Victoria Building) prepared by the Manager of Economic Development and Tourism dated September 4, 2007 be received;
AND THAT Council authorize staff to negotiate an investment agreement or agreements, for the consideration of Council at a future meeting of Council, in respect of the matters set out in the September 4th, 2007 report.
AND THAT staff also bring forward a business case.
A recorded vote was requested on the motion which resulted as follows:
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Beard, Bell, Billings, Farrelly, Findlay, Hofland, Kovach, Laidlaw, Piper, Salisbury and Wettstein, and Mayor Farbridge.
The motion was carried.


Moved by Councillor Wettstein
Seconded by Councillor Bell
THAT the lowest bid for the Executive Search Firm, being  Organization Consulting, be selected as the successful consulting firm to conduct the search for the C.A.O. at an upset cost of $35,000 plus tax.
VOTING IN FAVOUR: Councillors Beard, Bell, Billings, Farrelly, Findlay, Hofland, Kovach, Laidlaw, Piper, Salisbury and Wettstein, and Mayor Farbridge.
The motion was carried.