Smoking bylaw

Resident’s comment.

Please accept this email in support of expanding the non smoking areas to include out of door activities. I used to coach my son’s baseball team in the summer and always thought it odd that the parents could smoke in their lawn chairs by the third base line and that the children would have to jog through the smoke in order to get onto the field. Many individuals are extremely sensitive to second hand smoke and some are asthmatic.

Guelph is a city with a reputation for trying to enhance their citizens’ health by the addition of bike trails and lanes, parks, and emphasis on making the city walkable. Smoking outside is the antithesis of your forward vision in this area. I would support the ban of smoking along trails, in all outdoor sports venues and gathering places such as the patios of drinking establishments. The hospital recently banned all smoking on hospital property for concerns of the health of our patients. Your initiative is just as important and sends the same message. Please contact me if you would like to discuss anything further. My views are individual but shared by others at this Community Health Centre, the College of Physicians and Surgeons and the Ontario Medical Association.SR