Backpack project needs help at Brant Ave.

Hi folks, hope you are having a great summer. I’ll be communicating more with you after Labour Day as council gears up again. ( And speaking of Labour Day, it’s a great annual Ward 2 event at Riverside Park. I’ll be there. Come say hi. )

The Brant Avenue Neighbourhood Group is trying to make sure kids going back to school next week have backpacks, lunch bags and supplies. They are doing great work in our Ward, and I’d encourage you to help.

Here’s the note I received from them this morning. I hope you can make a donation towards this great cause. I did. It felt like a good way to support this great Ward Two organization.

Lynne Kloostra writes:

“We have currently have a wait list of approximately 15 backpacks and wonder if anyone would be willing to help with a monetary donation or an actual backpack, lunch bag and / or supplies.

We have an organization doing a drive now and they may be able to help with some of these but it won’t be until Sept 6th and we won’t know what we are getting until then either. We would really like to see these kids have their backpacks to go back to school with on Tuesday?

Please ask others in your organization as well and let us know.

We can pick money or supplies up if you are able to assist at all?

Thanks and have a great day!

Lynne Kloostra
Neighbourhood Support Worker
Brant Avenue Neighbourhood Group