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Guaranteed Livable Income

This Tuesday, October 24th at our City Council meeting I brought forward a motion about Guaranteed Livable Income that was approved by council. Here’s the wording of the motion:

That City Council directs the Mayor to write a letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, MP Longfield, the Premier of Ontario, and MPP Schreiner, calling on these orders of government to work collaboratively towards implementing a National Guaranteed Livable Basic Income to eradicate poverty and homelessness, and ensure everyone in Canada has sufficient income to meet their basic needs.

Here’s the rationale that I gave at council for my motion along with references.

“We have heard from our community partners that homelessness in Guelph has increased in the past few years. We have heard that we do not have sufficient housing. The COVID-19 pandemic put strain on our healthcare system and we know that we are facing a mental health crisis.

Inflation has been increasing for several years putting pressure on people who are already struggling and we know that this means that more people are at risk of falling into poverty.

In 2020 according to Stats Canada, poverty increased in Canada from 6.4% to 7.4%. We can anticipate that number continuing to rise.

Municipalities across Canada are bringing forward the concept of Guaranteed Livable Income. And it’s currently being considered in the Senate. (Bill S-233)

What is Guaranteed Livable Income?

If you’re under a certain income, you are entitled to resources. This would bring more to the table for people who struggle with our current social assistance programs.

When you provide money to people living in poverty – they spend it in their communities. They pay rent, buy food, clothe themselves, provide for their children.

Senator Kim Pate used the phrase: “Get housed, get fed, and get out of poverty”

We’ve received correspondence from members of our community who have been advocating for guaranteed livable income for decades. What I’m proposing is not new, but my hope is to be another strong voice of advocacy to our provincial and federal governments. My hope is that our senate will approve the bill to build a framework for Guaranteed Livable Income.”


Senate: Guaranteed Livable Income

About Guaranteed Livable Income,efforts%20to%20gather%20data%20independently.

From Dominica McPherson Guelph & Wellington Task Force for Poverty Elimination

Poverty Task Force’s position statement on basic income: Basic Income Position Statement

Page 4 of this report high level lists positive impacts of the Ontario Basic Income Pilot before it was cancelled:

Basic Income Canada Network has a primer series to introduce the concept of basic income:

Guaranteed Basic Income at City Councils in Ontario

Hamilton’s basic income motion meeting:

Recording of Waterloo’s basic income motion meeting:

November 18, 2022, Ward 2 Update

Good afternoon Neighbour,

I hope this email update finds you well and warm, on this wintery day! This past Tuesday, November 15 Guelph City Council held our inaugural meeting, and Councillors were sworn in for the 2022-2026 term.

I’m thrilled to be joined by Councillor Carly Klassen (see her LinkedIn profile here), the new Ward 2 City Councillor. You can find the official election results by clicking here.

Moving forward Carly and I will be working together to represent everyone in Ward 2, and we will also be sending a joint Ward 2 email update. That makes this my first update in this new term of Council, and also the last update that comes from my email address.

Future Ward 2 updates will be coming from a new email address ([email protected]).  This new email address redirects to both Carly and myself. We will aim to send monthly updates on the first Wednesday of the month, following Committee of the Whole meetings, which will be taking place on the first Tuesday of each month. 

In this update:

1) Consultations for the City’s Culture and Sports Tourism Strategy – Monday, November 21
2) Special Council Meeting to address Bill 109, More Homes for Everyone Act and Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act Consultation – Tuesday, November 22 at 10 am 
3) Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan &  Stormwater Management Master Plan Public Open Houses – Tuesday, November 29
4) Snow Angels Volunteer Opportunity
5) Santa Community Parade – Sunday, November 20

1) Consultations for the City’s Culture and Sports Tourism Strategy – Monday, November 21 

The City recently received funding through the Government of Canada’s Tourism Relief Fund. This funding will help the City make a new culture and sports tourism strategy called “Create, Play and Stay”.

You are invited to attend one of two engagement sessions to help inform this new strategy on November 21.

Date: November 21, 2022
Time: 2 to 4 p.m.
Location: Online via Zoom
Registration: Please register online with Eventbrite.

Date: November 21, 2022
Time: 7 to 9 p.m.
Location: Online via Zoom
Registration: Please register online with Eventbrite.

Developing the Create, Play and Stay Culture and Tourism Strategy is an outcome of the 2022-2026 Economic Development and Tourism Strategy, and supports the goal of building a must-see visitor destination in Ontario. 

If you have any questions, you can reach out to Alex Jaworiwsky, Manager of Tourism and Destination Development at the City of Guelph. Her contact info is 519-822-1260 x 2533 and 
[email protected]

2) Special Council Meeting to address Bill 109, More Homes for Everyone Act and Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act Consultation – Tuesday, November 22 at 10 am

By now you have probably heard about the new legislation coming from the Province of Ontario, which will have significant impacts on all municipalities. These bills introduce major changes across a range of existing acts and will have a significant impact on municipal planning, citizen participation in planning applications, heritage designations, use of wetlands, merging all conservation authorities, municipal finance and more.

One of the concerning proposed changes is a reduction in the amount municipalities will be able to collect in development fees – which effectively transfers the costs of delivering new city services from developers and new homeowners, to existing tax-payers.

The staff report is not yet available, but you will find it here in advance of Tuesday’s meeting ( by clicking on the 10am meeting on Tuesday November 22nd.

Earlier this week Mayor Guthrie as Chair of the Ontario Big City Mayors was quoted in a Toronto Star article saying these changes will short municipalities $5 billion. 

If you would like to send comments to Guelph City Council in advance of Tuesday’s meeting, you can do so by sending an email to [email protected] You can watch this meeting by going to or joining us at Guelph Council Chambers on Tuesday, November 22 at 10 am.

 3) Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan &  Stormwater Management Master Plan Public Open Houses – Tuesday, November 29

The Storm Water Management Master Plan looks at how the City is currently managing stormwater and guides how we will continue to do so over the next 25 years. It has studied subwatershed health, erosion sites, the minor and major conveyance network, existing and new end-of-pipe treatment facilities, and provided criteria and policy direction based on new Provincial legislation – all to support the City’s growth to 2051.
The Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan began in January 2020 and has studied alternative solutions for the City’s existing water and wastewater distribution and collection system capacity constraints as well as required updates to infrastructure to support growth to 2051 as per the City’s Shaping Guelph project.

Both plans are being carried out according to the Municipal Engineers Association’s Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011, & 2015), which is an approved Class of Environmental Assessment under the Environmental Assessment Act. 

Drop in to learn about the project: November 29 any time between 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

In person: Come to City Hall, 1 Carden Street, meeting rooms B and C

Virtually: Attend virtually through the links posted on the Have Your Say pages (see links below)

There is no formal presentation, just great conversation in person or virtually. City staff will be on hand to explain the project, answer your questions and discuss your thoughts and feedback.

Have your Say page for Stormwater Management Master Plan:

Have your Say page for the Water and Wastewater Servicing Master Plan:

4) Snow Angels Volunteer Opportunity 
The People Information Network (PIN) is looking for Snow Angels to shovel for people who can’t manage it or who can’t afford to pay for snow removal. Contact them if you can help or if you need help (

5) Santa Community Parade – Sunday, November 20

After two years hiatus, the Guelph Santa Parade is returning this Sunday. I’m excited to take my toddler to see the floats. You can find the route information here:

I hope you can make it out to the parade!

That’s it for this update. Thank you for your support during the election. I look forward to serving you and the rest of our community over the next four years! 

As always, please let me know if you have questions, thoughts or feedback about any of the items in this update, or any other municipal issue. 



Rodrigo Goller 
City Councillor, Ward 2
City of Guelph
[email protected]
Newsletter Signup

Ward 2 Virtual Town Hall

Tuesday July 5 at 7pm

To Discuss the High Density Zoning Designation for 41-45 George Street

Thank you neighbours for joining a community conversation with Councillors Leanne Caron, James Gordon & Rodrigo Goller, to discuss the City’s Official Plan’s High Density Residential Zoning designation for the property located at 41-45 George Street, Guelph.

Video recording of the July 5th Ward 2 Virtual Town Hall

See below for a copy of the written ‘Chat’ that was held during the video, as well as a copy of the automated transcript of this video:

This conversation was held in advance of the City Council meeting on July 11, where Council will be presented with an Official Plan Amendment for approval. Click here to read the report that explains why “Staff continue to recommend the existing (high density) land use designation of this property.” (See pages 5 and 6 of that report).

You can find more information about the City’s Official Plan Review here ( You can also click here to access the draft Official Plan document. On Page 133 of this document, you will see that this property is designated as High Density Residential.

Background: Earlier this year, several Guelph residents in the vicinity of this property expressed their concerns about the future high density designation for what is currently an industrial property located between the Speed river and a low density residential neighbourhood. Since then, council members have asked the City’s planning team to consider updating the zoning designation of this property, so it better fits with the protected river corridor and the surrounding low density residential neighbourhood. After reviewing this zoning designation for this property, the City’s planning team will not be supporting a change in zoning for this property.

Click here to access the agenda for the July 11 Meeting on Shaping Guelph, Official Plan Amendment 80

Below is the section of the staff report that addresses the Armtec property:

Land Use Designation of Armtec Inc property at 41 George Street

Questions were asked about the existing land use designation of the Armtec Inc property at the Public Meeting for OPA 80 and comments were provided that it should be reviewed and down-designated with suggestions that the property be placed in a general residential, natural heritage system or open space and parks designation. Some comments appear to be reactive to real estate listing images which do not represent approved concepts for the site.

The Armtec property was reviewed and considered through the 2006 Growth Plan conformity work and identified at that time through the City’s approved growth management strategy and residential intensification analysis as a prime candidate or intensification. High density residential was recommended as the appropriate land use designation with medium density residential being placed on adjacent sites. Council approved this designation, along with designation changes for all other properties identified in the Council approved growth management strategy, through OPA 48 which was adopted by Council in 2012, approved by the Minister in 2013 and approved by the Ontario Municipal Board in 2017.

Staff continue to recommend the existing land use designation of this property. The high density residential designation is appropriate; this site is a brownfield and the designation will help to realize remediation and redevelopment; future redevelopment is subject to zoning regulations for setbacks and step backs; the rail line and river constrain development; and the City’s urban design policies, guidelines and manuals apply to this site to ensure that redevelopment is appropriate and compatible. Site specific property requests are outside the scope of the Official Plan Review. These are appropriately dealt with through individual applications. The scope of this review was set by Council and land use designations are only being considered for change to implement the directions of the growth management strategy.

Decision Report: Shaping Guelph Official Plan Amendment 80, MONDAY, JULY 11, 2022

This community conversation was held on Tuesday July 5 at 7pm, for community members and Councillors to consider the planning team’s position and explore next steps. As a result of this conversation, Cllrs Caron, Gordon and Goller will bring forward a motion to change the zoning designation for this site to ‘Medium Density’, at the Monday July 11th Special Council meeting. Click here for that meeting agenda. To sign up as a delegate or to submit comments please email [email protected] before 10am on Friday July 8th.

June Ward 2 Update

There’s a lot happening this month, from the Multicultural Festival to a Council Governance Review and the celebration of National Indigenous History Month, Pride Month, Recreation and Parks Month, Seniors’ Month and Bike Month. Also, a reminder that this week the City moved our Outside Water Use to Yellow.  As always, please feel free to skim over these sections, and hit reply to let us know if you have any thoughts, concerns, advice or questions for us. Thank you in advance for taking the time to tell us what you think, and helping us make informed decisions for our Ward and the City of Guelph. 

Table of Contents:

1 – County Social Services Report to City Council – June 6
2 – Committee of the WholePublic Health Board Meeting – June 7 
3 – Library Groundbreaking Announcement 📚
4 – Construction Season:  Wyndham Street sewer construction on June 12 
5 – June 13 Council Planning:
— 49 Norfolk Street (Albion Hotel) – Notice of Intention to Designate
— 103-105 Victoria Road North – Recommendation to Approve
6 – June 27 Council Meeting:
— 2023 Procedural Bylaw & Governance Review 
— Guelph: Future Ready Progress Report
— Community Engagement Framework Update
— Downtown Renewal Status Update (Preferred Options)
— Municipality of Trent Lakes Resolution: Updating our Oath of Office
7 – Community Events 
8 – Have Your Say – Culture Plan, Race to Zero & Guelph’s 200th birthday!
1. County Social Services Report to City Council – June 6

Last week we received a Social Services Report from the County of Wellington. You may know the County is responsible for the administration of Housing Services, Children’s Early Years and Ontario Works for Guelph. Each year, the City allocates roughly $26M to the County for these services. In turn, the City of Guelph is responsible for both the City’s and the County’s Paramedic Services. 

The report we received was very informative in terms of how the County delivers these services…. however, it also highlighted clear gaps in how the County is addressing the urgent needs of Guelph residents. We asked for more information on how the County is responding to the housing crisis, specifically the very long wait for social housing, given that Guelph hasn’t seen new rent-geared-to-income housing since 2005.  

Wellington County is currently updating their plan to address homelessness and a report is coming forward in September this year. This report from the County will coincide with a report being developed by Collective Results, a local consultant that will let Guelph City Council know who is responsible for funding and operating social housing in Guelph and identifying best practices in Ontario for addressing housing, mental health and addictions. 
2. Public Health Board Meeting – June 7

At last week’s Public Health Board Meeting our Medical Officer of Health, Dr Nicola Mercer focused her remarks on our air quality, an increase in tick populations and an invitation to answer a Cannabis use survey. 

Dr. Mercer let us know that wildfire smoke can be harmful to everyone’s health, even at low concentrations. For more information on wildfire smoke and advice from our public health office click here. If you are experiencing breathing difficulties try to stay indoors and consider wearing an N95 mask if you have to go outside. 

This warmer weather has also brought out a significant increase in the number of mosquitos and ticks. This is a reminder to do regular tick checks when you have been outdoors. Click here for more information on identifying and removing ticks.

Lastly, please take a few minutes to answer the 2023 Cannabis Survey for a chance to win $100: 
3. Library Groundbreaking Announcement

This week Council received the exciting news that the official groundbreaking of the new library will be happening on June 20th!! So many people in Guelph have been working diligently to make this new library a reality – this project will be the core project of the revitalization of our whole downtown. Details on the timing and location of the event have yet to be released.
4. Construction Season:  Wyndham Street sewer construction on June 12 

Starting on June 12 the section of Wyndham that intersects going south at Woolwich St. and Eramosa will be closed for sewer upgrades. This construction will last between 2-4 weeks and is integral in the preparation for the Baker St. work. Please remember to support the businesses on upper Wyndham as this work is happening!
5. June 13 Council Planning:

49 Norfolk Street (Albion Hotel) – Notice of Intention to Designate
With new provincial legislation, the race is on to designate and protect heritage properties. This is the first step to protecting this iconic building that forms part of Guelph’s history and heritage.

103-105 Victoria Road North – Recommendation to Approve
Staff are recommending approval to permit the development of 32 stacked townhouse units and 23 cluster townhouse units as well as 3 single detached dwellings. 

1373-1379 Gordon [Gordon at Vaughan] Recommendation to Approve
Staff are recommending approval of this application to permit the development of a four (4) to seven (7) storey mixed-use apartment building with 99 apartment units and 850 square metres of commercial space. The developer has lowered the building height from the originally proposed 9-storey to 7-storeys, in response to community feedback.

Click here to see the full staff reports for these development applications.
6. June 27 Council Meeting:

2023 Procedural Bylaw & Governance Review 

A significant role of Council is oversight. This month we have been presented with draft changes to the rules by which we govern ourselves – our our procedural by-law, closed meeting protocol, terms of reference for the Chief Administrative Officer Recruitment, Selection and Performance Sub-committee and CAO evaluation process, as well as a number of policies and changes to the delegation of authority by-law.

Of note is a staff recommendation to change the amount of time the public is allowed to delegate at Council Planning meetings. Currently delegates at Council and Committee meetings have 5 minutes to make their presentations, while in Council Planning meetings, delegates have 10 minutes each to address Council. Staff is recommending that the time of delegations at Council Planning meetings is reduced from 10 minutes to 5 minutes each, bringing this in line with Council and Committee meetings. We have heard from some residents who are concerned that 5 minutes is not enough time for residents to address the often complex development applications which will have long term impacts on their neighbourhoods. 

Click here to see the staff reports and proposed changes to our governance documents.

 What do you think about this proposed change? Does it make sense to limit all delegations to 5 minutes each, or should we continue to allow up to 10 minutes for delegations at Council Planning meetings?

Guelph: Future Ready Progress Report.

Staff presented the City Council with the 2022 Guelph Future Ready Progress Report. This annual report highlights the key performance indicators and strategic initiatives from the last calendar year. It incorporated stories showcasing how the city continues to provide services and programs to our community of over 140,000 people, and to our businesses and visitors. The information is presented by strategic plan pillars in alignment with the confirmed 2023 Budget, and our strategic plan: Guelph. Future Ready.

The annual strategic plan progress reports are part of the City’s ongoing efforts to develop a more performance-based culture and to increase public trust in local government through transparency.

Community Engagement Framework Update

The Community Engagement Policy and Community Engagement Framework were first approved by Council in 2013 and updated in 2015. They were among the first in Canadian municipalities and became an inspiration for many other communities to develop their own.

Since their approval, the Community Engagement Policy and Framework have shaped community consultations for hundreds of projects across the City of Guelph.The new Community Engagement Framework separates components that are predominantly community-facing (the Charter), from those that are governance-related (the Policy) and from those that are operational or implementation-focused (the Community Engagement Honorarium Policy, the Multi-Year Community Engagement Plan, and the Community Engagement Playbook). This month Council is being asked to approve the Community Engagement Charter and the Community Engagement Policy, which will set the direction for the Plan and the Playbook. Click here to access the staff reports

Downtown Renewal Status Update (Preferred Options)

Council received a report from staff on Downtown Renewal efforts and in particular, the City’s Downtown Infrastructure Renewal Program. The report included the short lists of options from two ongoing Class Environmental Assessments (EAs), for Wyndham Street and for the Macdonell Street bridge and Allan’s Dam structures were included in the report. Read the report here. (Page 368 of the PDF) 

This summer, residents of Guelph will have the opportunity to participate in options for the redesign of these two major intersections downtown. We’ll keep you updated as we get more details about these opportunities!
8. Community Events:

Multicultural Festival – June 9-11 at Riverside Park

Love Your Bike Event – June 17 @ St Andrew’s Church

Library Groundbreaking – June 20

National Celebration of First Nation, Inuit, and Métis Peoples June 21 at Riverside Park. This community celebration is open to all and will feature music, dance, crafts and Indigenous food. 

Art on the Street – June 24 Downtown Guelph 
9. Have Your Say

Culture Plan – what does culture mean to you in Guelph? Take part in public events like Art on the Street or the Multicultural Festival or share your idea online. 

Race to Zero – help Guelph be greener. Take the city’s online quiz. 

Guelph is turning 200 in 2027. Help make the celebration amazing. Submit an idea here! 
Thanks for taking the time to read our monthly newsletter. We look forward to hearing from you, and hope you stay safe and healthy the rest of this month!


Carly & Rodrigo
PS. Do you have a non-emergency problem in your neighbourhood? Use the Report a Problem feature on the city website: This reporting system will ensure that bylaw and police resources are assigned to your problem. 

May 2023 Ward 2 Newsletter

We hope this update finds you well and staying warm and dry this spring. Did you know that we had to swear allegiance to King Charles when we were sworn in as elected officials? As such, we will be observing his coronation this Saturday, May 6th. We’ve included a number of other notable events at the end of this email, including the Public Works open house on May 27th.  

May 2023 Update Contents:

1) April Council Meetings Recap
-Transit Fare Strategy

2) May 2 Committee of the Whole Meeting Recap
-2022 Year-end Operating Budget Monitoring and Surplus Allocation
-E-scooters in Guelph

3) Upcoming Council Meetings in May
-Council Planning on May 958 Wellington St – Application Withdrawn
-Official Plan Amendment 80  & Minister’s Modifications
-Council Workshop on Communications, Engagement & Community Investment – May 17

4) Construction Season is Here!

5) Ward 2 Events, Engagement Opportunities & Resources
-Rainbow Crosswalk Installation 
-Guelph’s Bicentennial Preparation Survey
-King Charles’ Coronation – May 6
-Community Engagement Framework Survey – Answer by May 14
-Emergency Preparedness Week – May 7-13
-Public Works Week and Open House – May 27
-Noise Reduction in Guelph
1) City Council Recap – April 25th

Transit Fare Strategy 

We approved a new transit fare strategy at our April 25th City Council Meeting.  The fare strategy introduced recommendations to update existing and introduce new fare policies, structure, pricing, payment options, and programs. Council approved a motion to provide free transit for kids and introduced a “fare-capping” strategy, so people don’t have to pay for a monthly pass upfront. Instead, you will just pay for one bus ride at a time until you’ve reached your ‘cap’, after which any other bus rides that month are free. Click here to review the full Transit Fare Strategy.
2) Recap of May 2nd Council of the Whole Meeting

2022 Year-end Operating Budget Monitoring and Surplus Allocation

Staff presented a report to Council outlining the 2022 year-end operating budget monitoring and surplus allocation. In 2022 the city budget had a surplus. At today’s meeting, we approved recommendations to redistribute some of this surplus and add some to our reserves. Our reserves have been consistently increasing year-over-year. This is good news for the city as it contributes to our top-tier credit rating. You can read more in the staff report here.

This table shows the steady increase in City reserves year over year:
E-scooters in Guelph

Council approved a motion to bring a report and draft bylaw/bylaw amendment to the Traffic Bylaw to the July 5th, 2023 Committee of the Whole meeting to permit the operation of personal use e-scooters, meeting all Provincially required conditions and regulations, and including any other recommended conditions. If you have any concerns or suggestions on where e-scooters should be allowed in Guelph, please let us know! 
3) Upcoming Council Meetings in May

Council Planning on May 9

– 58 Wellington St – Application Withdrawn – We have received many emails from concerned residents about the application for a 23-storey building at 58 Wellington. Last week we learned that the applicant had withdrawn the application

– Official Plan Amendment 80  & Minister’s Modifications – The Province of Ontario approved Guelph’s Official Plan with several amendments. You can see the staff report here, and you can find more information about the provincial changes in this information report. The most concerning changes include a wholesale increase of building heights for most of downtown to 23 storeys and the removal of the requirements for the City to consult with the Grand River Conversation Authority. 

Council Workshop on Communications, Engagement & Community Investment – May 17

As part of the ongoing Council orientation, a two-part workshop on May 17 will provide information about communications and engagement, and community investment. We will get a high-level overview of the Strategic Communication and Community Engagement (SCCE) team’s direction and key trends shaping how the City listens to, talks to, and engages with people in Guelph. Staff will highlight key projects of the “One City. One Voice. Shared Purpose.” communications plan.

The Community Investment team will then share how funding is allocated to various agencies and community organizations through our Community Investment Strategy including community benefits agreements, community grants, City fee reimbursement, and surplus City assets.
4) Construction Season is Here!

We know you’re annoyed with the recent construction projects. We are too. You can send your comments and complaints to [email protected] and copy us into your e-mail. 
5) Ward 2 Events, Opportunities & Resources

Rainbow Crosswalk The City of Guelph will install a long-awaited rainbow crosswalk at the intersection of Gordon and Wilson streets this May, as a demonstration of support for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. Provide your input and share your pride with the city’s Have Your Say survey. 

Guelph’s Bicentennial Guelph is turning 200 years old in 2027 and we want to commemorate this milestone with a big celebration across our city. Provide your input and give share your ideas for events, art installations, capital projects and more. Have Your Say. 

King Charles’ Coronation Honouring the Coronation of His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen Consort, the 11th Field Regiment is hosting a ceremony and gun salute at York Road Park on May 6. A Parade with Colour Guards and Pipe Bands from multiple local military organizations and the local Royal Canadian Legion will begin the ceremony at 10:30 a.m. followed by speeches. The gun salute will sound just after 11 a.m. The community will be notified over the coming days. 

Guelph Museums will host a Coronation Tea at the Civic Museum on May 6 at 2 p.m. Tickets are available from the Museums event page. Market Square and the new Guelph sign will be lit emerald green on the evening of May 6 in celebration.

Growing Civic Participation We’re working to connect with our community to find out if changes to Council and committee meeting times might increase public participation. We’re taking the opportunity to build on what we learned during engagement for the Community Engagement Framework update and widening our lens to look at all touchpoints for community involvement in civic decisions. What we learn from this consultation will be used to foster more participation in Council meetings, Advisory Committees, and community engagement activities.  

Have Your Say survey is open through May 14, and three pop-up in-person engagement sessions will be hosted in the community during the same timeframe. You’ll see these activities promoted through our social media and community advertising channels. I encourage you to share these opportunities with your constituents.

Emergency Preparedness Week The City will participate in Emergency Preparedness Week from May 7-13. This event is a timely reminder that an emergency can occur at any time and that being prepared is the best defense. In line with this year’s theme, “Be Prepared, Know Your Risk,” we’re hosting a public event at the West End Community Centre on May 12 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. We’ve enlisted the help of 18 agencies, including Guelph’s Emergency Services team, the OPP, the Canadian Forces, and Emergency Management Ontario, to help the community learn about potential risks and ways to protect themselves and their families. I encourage you to participate in this event and share it with your constituents. Learn more at

Public Works Week and annual open house: The City will host its Public Works Week open house at 45 and 50 Municipal Street on May 27 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Public Works Week is celebrated every May to highlight the essential public services that municipal employees provide and the important work they do to keep City services and infrastructure running. The theme of this year’s Public Works Week is “connecting the world through public works” and highlights the way public works staff connect us both physically through infrastructure and inspirationally through the service to their community.

Noise Reduction in Guelph Ward 2 resident Donna Jennison is gathering support for a campaign to introduce noise cameras into Guelph. If you have have a concern with loud vehicles send her an e-mail [email protected] 
Thanks for taking the time to read our monthly newsletter. We’re excited for the month of May – the weather is improving, the flowers are blooming… but we could certainly use a little more sunshine. Hope that some sunnier days are ahead for us this month. 


Carly & Rodrigo
PS. Do you have a non-emergency problem in your neighbourhood? Use the Report a Problem feature on the city website: This reporting system will ensure that bylaw and police resources are assigned to your problem. 

Collisions will happen. Serious injuries and fatalities are unacceptable.

Keeping our community safe with Vision Zero

Guelph, Ont., April 26, 2023 – Vision Zero, a Council-approved outcome of the Transportation Master Plan, guides the City’s plans to design roads and related infrastructure (e.g., traffic calming, signals) to reduce the chance of death or serious injury if a collision happens.

“We’re human and collisions will happen,” says Liraz Fridman, road safety supervisor with the City. “Our goal is to use different tools to encourage drivers to slow down and be aware of their surroundings and of people who are cycling, walking, and wheeling. Every person must do whatever they can to keep our roads safe for themselves and each other.”

Vision Zero in Guelph

The top causes for collisions in Guelph include drivers travelling at high speeds and running red lights. Lower speeds are proven to reduce the seriousness of injuries from a collision and the City is implementing key Vision Zero measures to remind drivers to slow down, including:

Lower speed limits

Speed limits in neighbourhoods and community safety zones across Guelph are being lowered from 50 kilometres per hour (km/hr) to 40 km/hr to ensure drivers slow down and drive safely.

Red light cameras

Drivers who run a red light are more likely to be involved in a collision that results in a severe or fatal injury. Red light cameras encourage drivers to slow down on a yellow signal to give them time to stop on the red signal, which will decrease right-angle collisions and reduce the risk of severe or fatal injuries.

Automated speed enforcement

The provincially regulated automatic speed enforcement program uses a camera and speed measurement device to enforce speed limits in school area community safety zones. If a driver exceeds the speed limit in these areas, the registered owner of the vehicle will be automatically ticketed while cameras are in use.

Beginning August 1, 2023, four automated speed enforcement cameras will rotate around 16 different locations across Guelph every three months starting with:

  • Westwood Road, in front of Westwood Road Public School
  • Colonial Drive, in front of St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic School
  • Metcalfe Street, in front of King George Public School
  • Ironwood Drive, in front of Fred A. Hamilton Public School

3,580 red light violations in 2022

Tickets for 3,580 red light violations were issued in 2022, resulting in revenues of $264,885. Collected revenues from red light and coming speed enforcement cameras are reinvested into road safety planning and improvements that help keep people in Guelph safe.

Updated road safety data coming in July

The City’s road safety dashboard shares collision data collected over a five-year period along with information about road safety initiatives across Guelph. Staff uses the data to determine what, if any, safety measures can be put in place in areas where collisions happen, to deliver on the City’s commitment to Vision Zero and improve road safety for all. The next collision report will be published in July 2023 and staff anticipates the data to show a reduction in angled collisions, especially at intersections with red light cameras.

Safe streets save lives

Becoming a Vision Zero community is a collective effort—the City, drivers, pedestrians and cyclists must each do their part so everyone feels safe walking, jogging, wheeling and riding their bikes through all corners of our city.

For more information, visit

Guelph Tree Trust Inaugural Tree Care Event on Saturday April 29 2023

On Saturday April 29, 2023, Guelph Tree Trust (GTT) will provide arborist care for a magnificent old Black Walnut tree in Woodlawn Memorial Park. The public is invited to attend and watch a team of arborists pruning high in the crown of this legacy tree – a tree which may be as old as the cemetery itself at 160 years. Members of GTT will be on hand to provide information on the tree and pruning work of a team lead by GTT arborist Doug Steel, of Full Circle Tree Care. The event will include tree-related family friendly activities such as guided tree walks within the cemetery.

The Black Walnut is one of over a thousand trees in the cemetery managed by Woodlawn Memorial Park. Many of the trees are old, very large and require special expertise to prune and maintain their health. The cost of this specialised arborist care can be overwhelming for non-profit organizations such as Woodlawn Memorial Park. As Rebecca Kit, General Manager of Woodlawn Memorial Park commented “We have so many beautiful tree species. GTT is making it possible for properties like Woodlawn to maintain trees that otherwise may be left to their demise due to a lack of financial resources. The team and I are grateful to be chosen as the recipient of these much needed services.”

The Black Walnut will receive the care it needs to ensure that the city will have the benefits of its huge canopy and root system for as long as possible. Sponsorship by the Rotary Club of Guelph South and donations from individuals and other organizations (such as the Guelph Horticultural Society) have provided a foundation for this project but fundraising continues to pay for the care of this and other legacy trees in the future.

(L to R)Myra Fair, Karen Harris, Catherine Goddard, Terry Schwan, Rhea Koch, Clare Irwin, Steve Ebels

For more information and to donate or volunteer please contact [email protected]. Tree Trust Guelph accepts online donations. And if you know of mature trees in Guelph’s parks and public spaces that need help, you can nominate them here.

Ward 2 Update for Jan 26, 2023

Good afternoon Neighbour,

We hope this newsletter finds you well on this snowy day! Today we are sharing updates from yesterday’s 2023 budget confirmation process, and asking for your input on the 2024-2027 Strategic Plan Update.

If you find these newsletters helpful, please share them with your neighbours, friends and family in Guelph. As your City Councillors, we want to reach more residents in Ward 2 and across the City of Guelph, so we can stay connected, get more feedback and have ongoing conversations with residents about your priorities for Guelph. 

In this update you’ll find the following:

1) 2023 Confirmation Budget Highlights
2) Get Involved & Have Your Say (with a focus on the Strategic Plan Update)
3) Ward 2 Events, Opportunities & Resources

2023 Confirmation Budget
Written by Councillor Goller

Yesterday, after a nearly 9-hour-long meeting, City Council confirmed the 2023 budget. I’m happy to share that Carly and I worked hard to make some small but impactful changes to this budget. 

These are the changes I brought forward:

  • Continuing to invest $500,000 per year towards affordable and social housing (which City staff had removed from the budget);
  • Funding of $202,500 per year for the Welcoming Streets initiative, which supports our downtown businesses and community members struggling with homelessness, addictions and mental health issues;
  • Funding the Affordable Bus Pass Sliding Scale subsidy at a cost of $558,000 in 2023 and $458,000 each year thereafter. This subsidy provides affordable bus passes to community members living at or below the Low Income Cut Off. In total it supports about 1,800 people in Guelph or about 1.25% of our community, while significantly increasing public transit ridership;
  • Funding to continue the Kids Ride Free pilot program until further decisions are made as part of the Transit Fare Strategy this spring;

Carly and I also supported these two changes brought forward by Mayor Guthrie and Cllr O’Rourke respectively: 

  • Funding of $150,000 to conduct a formal review of current gaps related to homelessness, addictions, and the mental health crisis in Guelph, working with community agencies to figure out what solutions can be put in place and how much those solutions would save us in policing and paramedic expenses;
  • Funding of $300,000 per year for the next 5 years, for the Economic Development and Tourism strategy to support business service agencies like Innovation Guelph and the Guelph Wellington Business Centre.

We also supported the following measures to reduce the staff proposed budget increase by a half percent: 

  • A reduction of $1.4 million in funding for infrastructure renewal to help reduce the overall tax burden during a time of economic uncertainty. Given that the City had a $9 million surplus in 2022 because of construction project delays, we felt it was prudent to not continue to collect money for infrastructure renewal that we’re not able to use this year; 
  • A transfer of $1.1 million from reserves to address the forecasted cost increases due to provincial legislation. As we don’t yet know how the new legislation will play out, we felt it was not prudent to collect new taxes because we are expecting a “potential” increase in costs. There is still the possibility that the province will reimburse municipalities for our increased costs, as they have done during the pandemic. 
  • A slow-down of the phase-in for the South End Community Centre and Baker District Redevelopment operating impacts. The projects are due to open in 2026, and staff have been collecting additional taxes to cover the operating costs of those two facilities, which had previously been planned to be open sooner. Given the delay in the time to open these facilities, we felt comfortable not collecting those additional taxes this year.  This decision was only for operating fees, as we both fully support the building and timely opening of the new Main Branch Library as part of the Bakes redevelopment project and the building of a new recreation centre in the South End.

This budget also included the accelerated expansion of Paramedic Services originally planned for 2025, to address the current issues with the shortage of ambulances due to hospital drop-off delays. 

The 2023 budget was approved with a tax levy increase of 4.46%, which is 0.71% cent lower than the 5.17% which had been previously approved as part of the 2022-2023 multi-year budget.

Please note that the 4.46% tax levy increase does not mean that your property taxes are going up by that much. Over the next month City staff will break the total new budget and spread it out over residential, commercial, industrial and institutional zones, with each paying a different proportion. Industrial and Commercial areas take the lion’s share, and low-density residential zones pay a different proportion than medium and high-density residential. 

So far staff have calculated that an average household, with a residential property assessed at $406,000, can expect to pay about $4,371 in property taxes in 2023. This is an annual increase of about $187 over 2022 or $16 per month.

The 2023 user fees and rates for water, wastewater and stormwater were confirmed without change from what was approved in the 2022-2023 Multi-Year Budget, equivalent to a 2.73 % increase over 2022, with an estimated annual average residential bill increase of about $26, or $2 per month.

For more details on the confirmed 2023 operating budget, including local boards and shared services, and capital budgets,  click here to go to the City’s budget dashboard. You can also read the City’s news release by clicking here.

If you have any questions, concerns or feedback, please email us at [email protected], to let us know what you’re thinking.

Get Involved and Have Your Say!
Compiled by Councillor Klassen

A – Strategy Plan Update 
On Tuesday, January 24th Guelph City Council participated in a public workshop to start building the strategy for our council term 2023-2026. You can read the consultant report here, which compiles the priorities that have so far been identified by Council and staff. If you are interested in this process, you can also watch the video recording of Tuesday’s session by clicking here.

We want to hear from you:

  • How should we lead our city during this term?
  • What are we trying to accomplish?
  • What’s working well? 
  • How could we do better?

Send us an email to [email protected] to share your vision for Guelph with us. 

B –Have your say! Wastewater Treatment and Biosolids Management Master Plan
The City of Guelph is updating our plan for how we manage wastewater in our city. The goal of the Waste Water Treatment and Biosolids Management Master Plan is to ensure that the City’s wastewater (everything flushed down your sinks, drains and toilets) is managed in a way that is sustainable, protects our waterways and environment. Review the draft and provide your input! 

C – Artists in Residence
The program is open to artists and art collectives from all art forms, including visual (painting, sculpture), literary (poetry, collective works), performance (dance, music, opera, theatre, musical theatre), new media (film, television, radio, audio, video, animation, digital interactive), or multidisciplinary and intersectional. Submit your application before February 24th. 

Ward 2 Events, Opportunities & Resources
Compiled by Councillor Klassen

International Women’s Day – March 8th
Celebrate International Women’s Day in Guelph-Wellington. The Guelph Business Center is hosting a celebration with a dinner, keynote speaker and vendor market at Victoria Road Golf Club. Register Here

Juici Yoga Fundraiser and Celebration – Sunday, February 5th, 2023
The day will feature classes, workshops, food and a mini-market. 

Circular Store Grand Opening – February 11th 11am-3pm
The Guelph Tool Library is opening a store that provides opportunities for people to consume and learn about the circular economy. The event will feature workshops and a repair cafe. 

Guelph Museums: Fourth Friday February 24th 
Every Fourth Friday of the month enjoy free admission to the Civic Museum from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., and a free concert starting at 7 p.m.

To commemorate Black Heritage Month, Guelph Museums has partnered with Guelph Black Heritage Society for February’s Fourth Friday. We are pleased to host Shane Philips, an internationally acclaimed musician with a whole lot of soul. Philips is described as a singer whose voice is beyond his years and yet his message is timeless. Shane is an environmental and social activist, and his songs spread messages of change, love, and community.

Tickets are available starting tomorrow: January 27th, 2023. 

That’s it for this second update of 2023. Please accept our apologies for sending two newsletters this month – we just figured it was important to give you an update on the budget and to start the conversation about the Strategic Plan Update. 

Before we wrap things up, these are some highlights of what’s coming up for Council in February:

  • February 7 – Committee of the Whole Meeting:
    • Operations Campus Update
    • Guelph Greener Homes Loan Program (we had been calling it PACE in the past) – By-law Approval
  • February 14 – Planning Council Meeting:
    • Ontario Reformatory Heritage Conservation District – Phase 1 Study and Recommendations
  • February 22 – Council Strategic Planning Workshop #2
  • February 28 – Council Meeting
    • City of Guelph Housing Pledge for the Build More Homes Faster Act (Bill 23)

As always, you can find the full agendas for those meetings here ( Agendas are posted on Thursday or Friday, one full week before each meeting. 

We look forward to hearing from you, particularly with any questions or concerns about the 2024-2027 Strategic Plan Update.


Carly & Rodrigo

Residents encouraged to ‘Make the right call’ when it comes to dialing 911

Don’t hesitate to call 911 in an emergency. For non-emergency medical situations, consider other healthcare options so emergency care is available for those who need it.

Guelph, Ont., January 20, 2023 – Timing is critical in a medical emergency. Calling 911 in an emergency or life-threatening situation is essential, but when people call 911 for non-life-threatening or less urgent situations, it takes potentially lifesaving care away from those who need it most.

“Paramedic service response times are getting longer across Ontario due to an increase in call volumes and pressures on the hospital system. When there are ambulance offload delays at hospitals because of non-emergency calls, paramedics are delayed in helping people who need lifesaving care,” says Stephen Dewar, chief of Guelph-Wellington Paramedic Service. “Everyone should have access to emergency care when they need it, and we all need to do our part to make sure it is.”

Make the right call

If there’s an emergency or life-threatening situation, don’t hesitate – dial 911 and paramedics will respond. If it’s not an emergency, don’t dial 911 – you could be taking emergency resources from someone in need. Make the right call.

Calling 911 for an ambulance to take you to the hospital doesn’t get you seen by a medical team faster if you’re not having a medical emergency.

Non-emergency healthcare options are available in Guelph

If your situation is not an emergency, consider other healthcare services such as walk-in clinics or book a doctor’s appointment to get the care you need.


Make the right call
211 Ontario
Telehealth Ontario

For more information

Stephen Dewar, General Manager/Paramedic Chief
Guelph-Wellington Paramedic Service
City of Guelph
519-822-1260 extension 2805
[email protected]

Ward 2 Update for December 2022

December 10, 2022 Update from Councillor Rodrigo Goller

Hello Neighbour,

I hope this update finds you and yours well and healthy.  Linzy and I had a bit of a scare over the last 2 weeks with our toddler getting sick twice and ending up at the Guelph General Hospital.  Auggie came down with the respiratory syncytial virus  (RSV) and pneumonia and ended up spending six nights at the hospital.  He endured a lot of prodding, puffers, medicine and some needles but the good people at the Emergency and Pediatric departments took excellent care of him.  Our toddler was discharged from the hospital Thursday morning and now Linzy and I are feeling the cold symptoms ourselves.  Oh, the joys of having a toddler in preschool!

Now that we’re back home, I’m catching up with my emails and reaching out with this update. I apologize for not getting this out sooner! I had also intended to collaborate with Carly starting with this update, but it’s been a busy couple of weeks and I have not had a chance to connect with Carly on this newsletter… so you’re only getting my views and opinions today. 

In this update:

December 6 – Land Use Workshop, Appointments & Planning Council Meeting
December 7 – Budget Education Session
December 11 – Last day to comment on Short Term Rentals Licensing
December 13 – Last Council Meeting of 2023
Single Use Plastics Survey – Answer before January 7 


1)  December 6 – Land Use Workshop, Appointments & Planning Council Meeting

Land Use Planning Workshop (3 pm) – This was a very helpful overview of the provincial legislation that creates the sandbox in which municipalities get to play. This very helpful overview covers how city planning works from Master Plans to minor variances. You can find the slide deck and video recording by clicking here.

Council and Public appointments to Committees, Local Boards, Agencies and Commissions (5:30 pm) – You can find a list of everyone who was appointed by City Council, by clicking here.  I look forward to continuing to serve as a board member in our Public Health Unit and our Downtown BIA. I’m also very excited to join Carly and Leanne on the Guelph Public Library Board. 

There were two changes to Councillor’s appointments. First, I moved a motion to increase the number of Councillors on the Guelph Public Library Board from 1 to 3. I felt this was important given the prominence of the new Main Branch library as part of the Baker Street redevelopment project, and looking down the road once the new Main Branch is built, for Council to have greater oversight of the Library’s operating budget. Richard Vivian of Guelph Today wrote an article about this motion.

The second change was adding a representative from Guelph City Council to Heritage Guelph. I was happy that this motion was also successful, and I look forward to seeing the impact of Cathy Downer joining Heritage Guelph. 

Unfortunately, the list of Councillors appointed to boards isn’t included on the city website, so I’m sharing this list from my meeting notes – this way you know what extracurricular work each Councillor has taken on this term:

Service Area Chairs & Vice Chairs:
Audit – Chair: Phil Alt, Vice-Chair: Linda Busuttil
Corporate Services – Chair: Leanne Caron, Vice-Chair: Erin Caton
Infrastructure Development & Enterprise – Chair: Dominique O’Rourke, Vice-Chair: Carly Klassen 
Public Services – Chair: Cathy Downer, Vice-Chair: Ken Chew

Agencies Boards & Commissions

Art Gallery of Guelph – Leanne Caron
Board of Trustees of the Elliott – Dominique O’Rourke
Downtown Guelph Business Association – Cathy Downer & Rodrigo Goller
Grand River Conservation Authority – Christine Billings & Ken Chew
Guelph Police Services – Cam Guthrie & Phil Alt
Guelph Public Library – Carly Klassen, Leanne Caron & Rodrigo Goller
 Wellington Dufferin Guelph Public Health Unit – Linda Busuttil, Erin Caton & Rodrigo Goller
Heritage Guelph – Cathy Downer


Council Planning Meeting (6:30 pm) – There were no Ward 2 development applications this month. This is what we did:

639 Eramosa Road – this is the former Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses. City Council approved a change in zoning for this lot to become a Chiropractic clinic.
158 Clair Road East – City Council approved drive-through signs for the Tim Hortons in this plaza. 
265 Edinburgh Rd North – City Council approved two, seven-story mixed-use apartment buildings with 139 apartment units and first-level commercial space.  These will be mostly 2 and 3-bedroom apartments.
140 Hadati Road – Council received a complete application for a proposed development of 24 stacked townhouses where there is presently a convenience store.  Neighbours are concerned about the increased density (they looking for 50% more than the allowed density), the additional traffic, and overflow parking. You can find more information about this application here:


2) December 7 – Budget Education Session

This was an excellent session.  City staff walked Council through the budget process, explained how it is aligned with the pillars of our strategic plan, and broke down where money and resources are allocated. You can access the staff presentation and video recording by clicking here. The staff presentation starts at the 12-minute mark and ends at 1 hour and 9 minutes. If you have an hour to spare in the coming weeks, I highly recommend watching this presentation. 

Unlike previous years when Council would have approved a one-year budget, we are now in a multi-year budget cycle. City staff have been working on a significant review of the budget update that will be presented to the public on January 12, 2023. 

We are starting with a forecasted tax levy increase of 5.17%. As the budget confirmation process gets underway I will be looking for opportunities to reduce that forecasted levy increase, while still addressing an important additional funding request that will be coming to City Council on December 13th.

Council and the public will see the staff-proposed 2023 budget on Thursday, January 12. Then we will have 14 days to review that budget and get ready for the 2023 budget confirmation session on January 25.

If you have any questions about the City budget, now is a great time to ask me, so I can in turn ask those questions of staff.  I look forward to getting and responding to your email inquiries! 


3) December 11 – Last day to comment on Short Term Rentals Licensing 

The City is asking for community feedback on regulating short-term rentals. Please take a moment this weekend to answer the Short-Term Rental Survey:

The City is doing this so (a) we can collect the Municipal Accommodation Taxes from visitors who stay in from short-term rentals like AirBnB which are currently not regulated and (b) determine if short-term rentals should be limited to a person’s primary residence, or if the City should allow people to own multiple homes and apartments across the City and use those properties for short-term (under 30 days) rentals. 

If you miss the deadline to comment or have additional thoughts on this matter, please reach out and let me know what your preference is for licensing short-term rentals in Guelph. 


4) December 13 – Last Council Meeting of 2023

Alectra’s Proposal: The first item on the agenda is a request for Guelph City Council to endorse a plan by Alectra Utilities to build a battery energy storage system in the Hanlon Creek Business Park. Looking at that proposal, it looks like a positive for the City of Guelph to have a more stable energy network. Read more about it here.

Service Simplified Progress Report: implementing Guelph’s customer service strategy: As a growing City we have to reimagine how we deliver services and how we manage our interactions with the public. Today if you need to call the City, you can either try the central switchboard or if you’re calling outside regular business hours, you’d have to figure out which of the City’s 45 phone numbers to call or which of the City’s 35 emails to use, to reach any particular city service. This system is clunky and outdated.  As well, coming out of the pandemic I am hearing repeated complaints about the level of service and information provided by City staff.

To address these issues and concerns, and to respond to a changing landscape and greater expectations, City staff are planning to focus on improving customer service processes, tools and technology. You can read the staff report and see the presentation slide deck here.

Royal City Mission Request for Funding: Earlier this year (in June/July), Guelph City Council asked Wellington County to address the matter of people experiencing homelessness in our downtown core. The County has since explored options and in partnership with Royal City Mission, they are bringing forward a request for funding, to meet a gap in service.

Guelph’s overnight shelters close at 8 am and Royal City Mission currently opens at noon. That means there is nowhere for street-involved people to go between 8 am and noon.  Royal City Mission is asking Guelph City Council for $251k, which would allow the church to operate starting at 8 am throughout all of next year.

This is an expensive band-aid solution, but the best one we have to support both our residents experiencing homelessness as well as our downtown businesses. You can read more about this request by clicking here.  I would love to hear your thoughts on this request for funding.

Service Rationalization Implementation Update: In 2021 the City performed a review of all City services. Our consultants identified 53 actions that could be taken by the municipality to either increase efficiencies or reduce costs. On November 25th, City staff provided a high-level overview of the progress to date, and this item has been pulled from those information reports so City Council can ask questions about it. You can find the report here.

5) Single Use Plastics Survey – Click here to answer before January 7  

The City is proposing fees for single-use disposable cups and reusable bags, to help minimize the number of cups and bags that end up in the landfill and to ensure that reusable bags are reused as intended. They would like your feedback on the idea of mandatory fees for reusable shopping bags and disposable beverage cups.

Once the City has collected feedback from businesses and the community, they will present a summary to Council in the spring of 2023. If Council approves a fee, the changes will take effect in 2024.


That’s it for this update.  Almost. Given our toddler’s recent stay at the Guelph General Hospital, I’d like to remind you that Ontario’s Medical Officer of Health has recommended masking and COVID and flu vaccination.  Pfizer and Moderna bivalent boosters are available at public health clinics. Anyone age 12+ who has completed their primary series can receive the bivalent booster. You can book an appointment online ( or call 1-800-265-7293 ext. 7006. You can also contact your family doctor or visit a participating pharmacy.

As always, please let me know if you have questions, thoughts or feedback about any of the items in this update, or any other municipal issue. In case we don’t connect before the new year, I hope you enjoy a safe & happy holiday season!  



Rodrigo Goller 
City Councillor, Ward 2
City of Guelph
[email protected]
Newsletter Signup

City of Guelph launches engagement for culture and sports tourism strategy

On September 30, the City of Guelph was announced as a successful recipient of funding through the Government of Canada’s Tourism Relief Fund.

This funding will help the City develop Create, Play and Stay, a culture and sports tourism strategy to guide the City in attracting new visitors and driving economic growth in culture and sports tourism. The City is engaging with internal and external groups to inform and shape the strategy.

Community members and organizations who consider themselves within the rich network of culture and sports tourism operators in Guelph are invited to attend one of two engagement sessions on November 21.

Date: November 21, 2022
Time: 2 to 4 p.m.
Location: Online via Zoom
Registration: Please register online with Eventbrite.

Date: November 21, 2022
Time: 7 to 9 p.m.
Location: Online via Zoom
Registration: Please register online with Eventbrite.

Developing the Create, Play and Stay Culture and Tourism Strategy is an outcome of the 2022-2026 Economic Development and Tourism Strategy, and supports the goal of building a must-see visitor destination in Ontario.

“This project aims to map out and engage with Guelph’s culture and sport tourism groups and organizations to identify new ways to support and celebrate our community as a must-see visitor destination in Ontario. The strategy will identify our unique assets and how we can better attract visitors and investment in Guelph through culture and sports tourism.”
– Alex Jaworiwsky, Manager of Tourism and Destination Development, City of Guelph

“Culture is intrinsic to Guelph. This project is an opportunity to assess the current strengths and challenges within the local arts and heritage sector, and to identify the path we need to take as we recover from the impacts of the pandemic and strive to meet Guelph’s full social and economic potential through culture and tourism.”
– Tammy Adkin, Manager, Museums and Culture, City of Guelph

About Visit Guelph

Visit Guelph stewards the Guelph story for visitors and residents by fostering a well-connected community through engagement, facilitation, and coordination. The team supports tourism businesses, destination development, and visitor services. Visit Guelph also supports the 2022-2026 Economic Development and Tourism Strategy and operates the Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT). Learn more about Visit Guelph at:

For more information

Alex Jaworiwsky, Manager, Tourism and Destination Development
Economic Development and Tourism
City of Guelph
519-822-1260 extension 2533
[email protected]