City tests draft concept plan for St. George’s Square redesign

Press release.

In advance of Monday’s open house on the future transformation of downtown Guelph streets and public spaces, City staff will paint temporary lines in St. George’s Square to help demonstrate the  proposed concept
for the redevelopment of the square.

“We are using temporary paint to mark out what the draft concept plan looks like on the ground and test how a redesigned square could feel,” says David de Groot, a senior urban designer with the City.

In 2012, Council adopted the Downtown Secondary Plan, which anticipates more residents and businesses downtown. To continue supporting growth and intensification in the downtown core, the City is updating the
Downtown Streetscape Manual  and  Downtown Built Form Standards
as part of implementing a detailed vision of the community’s and local businesses’ needs for the area’s squares and streets.

On June 2, community members are invited to provide input on the draft documents. The open house, being held at City Hall, begins at 6:30 p.m., and includes a presentation at 7:15 p.m.

Community input will be used to prepare the final draft of the documents which provide direction for future capital projects including road reconstruction in the downtown core as well as the review of future private development, applications and projects.

For more information about the project or to review the draft documents, visit