Downtown "Fringe" Parking – Merc Article 5/14

A resident comments on Downtown parking.

Couldn’t resist commented re this article plus comments by Jim Furfaro. Believe me Queen Street area is only the tip of a giant iceberg. I have had that driven home (no pun intended) this past week alone with having to request people park in my companies parking lot and walk up to a home on Kent Street to preview it and its large beautiful lot. I have walked up myself over a dozen times since Monday (13th) to observe all the cars lining the street most of which have “City of Guelph Parking Passes” hanging from their rear view mirrors every day all day long.
I realize a few years back the parking in Wilson St lot was changed for staff to be a “taxable benefit” but that is a normal fact of life and as it should be. To be assured parking in any lot with a “pass” is a true bonus downtown and they should be quiet pleased to have that advantage given to them. It should remain a taxable benefit. The solution is to have it appreciated for the convenience value it gives them.
The simple solution is to make all close proximity streets such as Kent a 2 hr parking limit between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and have the enforcement staff ticket continuously all day for probably about a week and that would not only net considerable funds to the city coffers but perhaps move staff to the appropriate lots available to them. They; among others, have no reason to ignore free parking simply a few short “steps” away…. even though consideration for homeowners is not given any thought or concern obviously by those who do this daily.
A 2 hour maximum daytime ( 8 till 5) parking limit on any/all streets close to downtown being strongly enforced would make the provided lots much more appreciated than they currently are!
Just couldn’t resist this memo today as Queen Street is certainly not the only street to enter into any discussion. MF