Rental housing licensing

My name is KS, I am a Guelph Resident , Business Owner and
Land Lord.

I am writing to All City Counselors about the proposed Licensing of rental property’s in Guelph. I went to the City meeting about this and was not impressed by the format that the staff was presenting.
We were not allowed any Comments what so ever , ( we were told in a Stearn/ condescending way – questions, Only about “Our Version” of Licensing, absolutely no Comments) It was very obvious that it was to only be one way.

At our table of 11 people, 10 of us said – don’t do it.
All said unanimously – use the Tools at hand ( property Standards, Property maintenance and Police for noise & parties ) We were all noticing the agenda that was going down in a obvious way. Some people at the City Staff have “Starry Eyes” for the monies to come. We don’t think the feeling and Ideas that were truly there,mayor are going to be impressed to you by the City Staff.

Beware when presented by the City Staff, of the real consensuses of the meetings.

Most of the Landlords that I have spoken with have said if this goes through , the cost will be passed on to the renter.

Other comments : Inspecting all rooms for rent would take a large staff and be very costly (appointments for all renters, remember its there home, you can’t even go into there home without permission, each person would have to give permission to go into there room) A lot of staff would have to be hired to complete these inspections

in closing;

The Warning;
Beware of Licensing, putting a City Of Guelph Stamp on a residence. That stamp says : inspected for Safety , Fire and Insurance and Such. If something terrible were to happen at a home that has been Inspected, and Licensed by City Of Guelph.
The City would also be named in the Laws Suits forthcoming.
Litigation Lawyers love a Stamped and Current Inspection when they are going after a Lawsuit. Inspections at a city washroom are a reminder, sadly.

I and we think its a bad Idea, consider it yourself and vote accordingly.  KS