Tonight: public ownership of riverside parks

A resident’s comments.

Unfortunately, I am unable to attend tonight’s meeting, yet I am writing you from Abroad as this is a very important decision that you have to make.

It comes as a surprise/shock to me that there is a question of allowing private ownership of riparian lands in Guelph. First, it is my understanding that under the provincial laws, this is not possible unless grandfathered in. Ask any new cottage owner.

Second, as can be seen in HW (below) carefully summarization and highlights of Guelph’s own history, policies, and by-laws, privatization of riparian lands is contrary to Guelph’s values.

Finally, when it comes to this decision regarding 5 Arthur St., I am confused as to why it is even on the table. Part of the original restrictions put on the property in the mid 90’s was that the river trail system be continued through the property at the time of redevelopment. Also, I asked at their last public meeting what the 5 percent public donation, required by our municipal development by law, was going to look like. Fusion responded with, it was the river trail, and nothing more!

I ask that you take the pro-active decision and think of future generations, as did your predecessors (who gave us Riverside Park) etc. and stand up for our by-law that requires a 30m buffer between the rivers and development. Please do not allow for any privatization of riparian land in Guelph. If you were to allow the 5 Arthur St. Exception, imagine what future developers will ask for. These developers are not thinking of the future of Guelph. BM