148-152 Macdonell Street Proposal

I am writing to you today to voice my concerns about the 148-152 Macdonell Street Proposed Official Plan Amendment & Zoning By-law Amendment (Files OP1104 & ZC1114) in Ward. I hope that you as a Councillor and community members like myself still have a chance to stop certain irreversible decisions with regards to the skyscraper plans for our beloved downtown.

My main reason of concerns is the proposed height of the building. I vehemently oppose any new building in the downtown core that would be over 12 stories.
Regardless of this strong personal view, I notice that the building plans for this building do not conform even with the downtown plan that was passed last week (it is 20 stories, has a larger floor plate, does not step in at the 6th and 12 floors, etc).

I would like to stress how completely unattractive this proposed big box design is included in their proposal. It has no redeeming aesthetic look or feel and certainly no historical references that would make it suit being located in our beautiful downtown.

I understand that the proposal does not include any sustainability features as per the cities own plans for energy. Guelph is a city that should EXPECT and DEMAND this from our developers.

I feel that the process is shady at best. It looks like building has already started. The infrastructure is already going in to the ground before the required environmental assessment is to take place under the new down town plan.

Certainly, I have not felt that there has been enough opportunity for community input into the design of this building.

Please do not approve this proposal as it stands. Require that they lower the height. Require that there be more input in to the design.

Please save our city from skyscrapers of questionable aesthetic design. Approve 12 story at most. Please. And if you can please wait until the heritage Conservation Analysis has taken place so that our city learns and understands the full ramifications of such irreversible decisions.

Silence does not help. Please speak up for your constituents and take the kind of sensitive action that the community can be proud of.JB