15 Carere Crescent – EIS & EIR Information

FL stopped into City Hall the other day and requested some of the background information regarding the Environmental Impact Study (EIS) and the Environmental Implementation Report (EIR) for the Victoriaview North Subdivision (61M-137). I advised FL that I would look in the file to find the comments provided by the City’s Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) and the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) for both documents.

Here’s a brief timeline regarding the environmental work for this subdivision, including 15 Carere Crescent:

September 2002 – a Terms of Reference for the required EIS was presented to EAC, subsequently the EIS was prepared and submitted

December 30, 2002 – GRCA provided comments on the EIS and other studies submitted with the subdivision application (see attached comments)

March 12, 2003 – the Environmental Impact Study was presented to and reviewed by EAC (see attached minutes)

June 2005 – Draft Approval of the Subdivision was given by Council – a condition of the Draft Approval was that an Environmental Implementation Report be prepared

September 2005 – a Terms of References for the required EIR was presented to EAC, subsequently the EIR was prepared and submitted

March 8, 2006 – GRCA provided comments on the EIR and the subdivision (see attached comments)
– the EIR was presented to and reviewed by EAC (see attached minutes)  Staff

2002-12-30 GRCA EIS

2003-03-12 EAC EIS

2006-03-08 EAC EIR

2006-03-08 GRCA EIR