15 Carere Crescent – next steps

I am providing a brief update regarding the proposed townhouse development at 15 Carere Crescent before the next steps are taken. As you are aware, the residents in this area were very interested in providing feedback regarding the proposal. In mid-June, an area resident called and strongly requested that the applicant and staff meet with the residents to discuss the development prior to anything further happening.  Staff agreed to organize an evening meeting with the applicant and a representative group of the area residents, an “advisory group” of approximately 5 or 6 residents that would represent the interests/concerns of the neighbourhood, in order to work through some of the issues. The area resident I was speaking with agreed that an advisory group was a good idea and also agreed to set up the advisory group and get back to us with names and contact information for the members.

Since mid-June we have attempted to contact that area resident on a number of occasions and left numerous messages. We have not had any response. The applicant for this project is anxious to move forward and feels that the residents have been given sufficient opportunity to put together a group in order to meet.

Staff agree that the area resident has been given sufficient opportunity to organize the advisory group. We would be happy to work with other representatives from the neighbourhood if either of you could suggest people. If no other area residents are interested in organizing the advisory group, we will be advising the applicant that we have no objection to them resubmitting their revised site plan and minor variance applications in order for this development to move forward.Staff