15 Carere Crescent – next steps regarding the site plan and minor variance applications

Based on the minutes from the Resident Group meeting on Friday September 25, 2009 and the staff response provided on October 5, 2009, the applicant for 15 Carere Crescent has requested that I advise you that they will be proceeding with a revised site plan application and minor variances for the subject property. The site plan will propose two accesses, one on Woodlawn Road and the other on Carere Crescent. The applicant will be making every effort to limit the access to Carere Crescent by encouraging residents to use the Woodlawn Road access.

The applicant requested that I extend their thanks to the Residents’ Group and the Ward Councillors for their time and for meeting with them. The input is appreciated.

When the minor variance application goes back to the Committee of Adjustment for consideration, everyone that submitted comments or attended the first Committee of Adjustment meeting back in April will receive Notice. Staff