18 stories?

Whether it is the Beaches in Toronto or the downtowns in much of Ontario, there is strong opposition to a jump-up model of 18 storied buildings plunked down in the middle of smaller established buildings. The opposition is clear.

Please reconsider Unto Kihlanki’s proposal. It is clearly in keeping with maintaining a downtown that is vibrant and varied as well as increasing the population of our inner city. Also, the present proposal is particularly undesirable since its first two floors are mainly parking. It is hard to imagine how that enhances the streetscape or the inner city in this prime location along the river.

Current residents will be paying a high price for the Big model yet would be able to embrace with more harmony several smaller models.

I would also like to add that the “bonus” system should be incorporated with any development.. there must be some public advantage for such disruption and intrusion for our city,. NC