18 Stories plus Condo Tower

Re.: Amendment of Zoning Bylaw for the 18 + 2 stories Condo Tower.

Although I am supportive of the ‘Downtown Secondary Plan’ and I agree with the need for more people to move into the downtown area, I have serious concerns about the proposed height of the 18 + 2 stories Condo Tower. The approval of such a project will set a most dangerous precedent for the future downtown development.

The zoning by-law should be capped at a maximum of 10 stories in height. In addition the design should be aesthetically compatible with the downtown streetscape to avoid mistakes that were made in prior years.

Learning that the city staff recommends approval of the project , it would be interesting to know how many of the above staff live in the downtown area, or perhaps do not reside in Guelph.

In regards to the developer I acknowledge the need for a healthy profit, hence the multiple stories. In my opinion this proposed Condo Tower reflects a disregard to most residents of the downdown area, and perhaps suggests corpoarate greed.

I would like to encourage you to vote against the proposed height of the Condo Tower at this particular downtown site.

Thank you for your considered attention. MW