#3. Hanlon Creek Business Park

All week the staff at the ward 2 blog (Ok, it’s taking us a couple of weeks. Lazy sods the lot!) will be posting our top ten blog entries as determined by our editors.

Although we tried to focus on Ward 2 specific topics, some of the issues have a community wide interest.

#3. Hanlon Creek Business Park. In July, several protesters occupied the proposed site of the Hanlon Creek Business Park. Initially, concerns were raised about water shed preservation and protection of an old growth forest.

As the summer months dragged into the fall, the protest turned more confrontation with acts of intimidation perpetuated at several members of the business community and City Hall officials during a sod turning event. Read More.

It is now suggested that the real raison d’etre for the occupation is to promote an anarchist state and to generally disrupt society. Read more.

In December, a member of the occupation allegedly assaulted a runner in the Olympic Torch relay through Guelph. We can expect to read more about these individuals on the Police Blotter throughout 2010.