Open-air urinals

I believe there are far better solutions to this problems. One example -there are self-cleaning toilets that pop up from under the ground atnight and go back under during the day. More expensive, but less offensive than open-air urinals. And both men and women can use them.

However, I think that best solution is for bars to make last call at
about 1 am, if not earlier. The Guelph bar scene attracts young people from all over the region, and this might dissuade some people from coming to Guelph, since they could go elsewhere and drink later. This would reduce some of our late-night problems downtown. And it would mean that patrons would have access to toilets until 2 am or later, as long as responsible bar owners keep there bars open.

Whatever the solution, the costs should be paid by the bars. Why not increase their business licence fee to pay for it? I often wonder why Guelph so weak-kneed when dealing with the handful of bar owners that are the source of these problems.DS


The City and the Taskforce are considering the pop ups that you referenced when we redo upper Wyndham St in 2012.
The pissoirs are part of a pilot project to gauge the public’s acceptance. They will only be available on a nightly basis, that is to say they will be removed during the day.
In addition to the pissoirs, the Taskforce will be mounting a marketing campaign directed at bar patrons. Guelph Police Services has identified young men as far and away the highest offending demographic. This is why the pissoirs are targeted towards them.
GPS will also be mounting an enforcement blitz in the fall to raise awareness of this offensive issue. Ian


Good to know, though I think it might make sense to let the public know this. I think there is a large perceptional difference between open-air ‘pissoirs’ and public toilets. You might get a negative response to the former when the latter is what you are aiming for.

Thanks for getting back to me. DS