Portable Urinals

In Doug Hallett’s article in last week’s Guelph Tribune, in which you are quoted, you appear to have concluded that the urinal would be used primarily by males, and that it is really not intended for use by females.

I believe that you are discounting the ability of females to use a pissoir.

Some women have, through practice, perfected a technique whereby they are able to urinate from a standing position. I appreciate that this may only apply to a few women in Guelph, but for those who are not comfortable doing that, there are inexpensive devices, such as the Pmate which assist women to urinate while standing. Considering the age group of the women who are most likely to require the use of the Guelph pissoir, I would think that many would not be at all adverse to using a device such as a Pmate, rather than search for a location in which to squat down out of public view.

If you are so inclined an internet search will provide you with information about the Pmate.

In any future discussion of the pissoir at council meetings or with city staff, it would be nice if you would portray it as being useable by both sexes.BW