Friday meeting re. 15 Carere

The residents meeting on Friday night, September 25, 2009 was well attended though we certainly feel that the end of summer is here.

The meeting was attended by 45 people, showing commitment and curiosity for the site development plan is strong.

FL has resigned from the Resident Group that represent the By The Lake conservation Neighbourhood Group.

We thanked FL for her support to the team and handed a small token of our thanks to her and her husband ML.

Councillor Ian Findlay spoke on behalf of Ward 2 and ensured the attendees that his commitment to work with the residents is unwavering.

Though some have questioned the commitment of our councillors it is explained that at this moment in the process our councillors are not taking sides.

As communicated before the meeting councillor Ian Findlay excused himself from the meeting; he had other commitments.

When we attend the next meeting with the developer and city staff in early October we will present the official response from the group.

The Resident Group asked the attendees to vote on the proposed plans:

– The Resident Group does not approve the minor variances and only considers the 60 units per hectare which is by law approved for the site

– The Resident Group proposes entrance and exits from Woodlawn and proposes the entrance/exit at Carere Crescent to be an emergency entrance/exit only.

All attendees in favour.

Further discussions handled the frustrations of the residents by the misrepresentation of the builder and the city. The Resident Group explained that we are at this moment only focussing on the issues relating the planning and the density of the property on 15 Carere crescent. AL