15 Carere Crescent – Feedback required from September 1, 2009 meeting

As a result of our meeting on September 1, 2009 I was to gather information regarding two issues; two accesses to Woodlawn Road, and the water pressure issue.

I have spoken with Rajan Philps, Manager of Transportation and Development Engineering. He has indicated that a second access point could be considered to Woodlawn Road East (further east than the one currently proposed) because we do not anticipate that Woodlawn Road will be extended easterly beyond the City limits. However, if a second access point was proposed to Woodlawn Road, the access point to Carere Crescent would have to remain open for the use of future residents to ensure that there is connectivity provided throughout this community. Based on the current plan it is likely that most future residents of 15 Carere Crescent will typically use the Woodlawn Road access point for a majority of their vehicle trips rather than the Carere Crescent access point.

With respect to the water pressure issue, Don Kudo, Manager of Infrastructure Planning; Design & Construction, has advised that the water servicing in this area currently meets and exceeds servicing standard requirements. The Water Servicing Master Plan and Water Supply Master Plan both indicate future works that will improve the water supply and distribution system. It is anticipated that these improvements will assist in providing additional water pressure in this area. These future works are long range improvements and are proposed for the 10 year to 20 year timeframe.

The minutes from the Resident Group meeting on Friday September 25, 2009 have been forwarded to the applicant/developer for their consideration. Based on the minutes and the feedback above, the applicant/developer can determine their next steps. Staff