Downtown Guelph vitality

I would like to voice my concern that the two hour free parking, recently instituted on downtown streets, may end due to the current budget short falls. The “two hour free parking” has been a positive boost for downtown; customers love it and as a store owner and stake holder in downtown Guelph for 28 years attracting customers is vital.

I believe that in these tough economic times this issue of free parking downtown, quite possibly, has been the difference for many businesses whether they are open, operating and employing people or becoming another vacant and degraded store front. When stores and businesses down here are open and operating, revenues flow into city hall in the form of business taxes. Conversely, too many vacancies in the downtown not only attract more undesirable elements, it also becomes a financial liability to city hall.

I believe as a city councilor you want our downtown to be strong. This parking initiative is a good step in that direction, to reverse that now would not save money…… would be foolish, shortsighted leadership and costly to us all. GO