Open House – Official Plan Update Directions

The City’s Official Plan provides direction for all types of development within the city; environmental and cultural heritage conservation, transportation planning, and other matters. The Plan incorporates the goals of the City’s Strategic Plan, Growth Management Strategy, Community Energy Plan, Natural Heritage Strategy and other policy documents that strive to create and maintain a beautiful, well-functioning and sustainable city.

Community members are invited to one of two Open House events to review and discuss key directions for the City of Guelph’s Official Plan Update. Following a presentation, attendees are invited to ask questions and share comments.

Wednesday, March 10
6:30–9:30 p.m.
City Hall, 1 Carden St.
Meeting room 112


Thursday, March 11
6:30–9:30 p.m.
City Hall, 1 Carden St.
Meeting room 112

About the City of Guelph Official Plan
The Official Plan provides a basis for the City’s Zoning By-law and other land use controls. The Official Plan is a statement of goals and policies which are intended to promote the public interest, reduce uncertainty concerning future growth and development and maintain a high quality of life for the citizens of Guelph.

The City is updating its Official Plan to meet legislative requirements under the Planning Act and other legislation, ensure consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement, establish detailed policies to implement the Growth Plan framework articulated through Official Plan Amendment 39, and incorporate recommendations from other City Master Plans and studies.

How to provide comment
Any person may attend the meeting and/or provide written or verbal representation on the Official Plan Review Directions.

For more information
Related background information, is available for review at the City’s Community Design and Development Services office in City Hall, 1 Carden Street or online at