Proposed Official Plan Designation for 146 Downey Road

As you know, Seaton Ridge Communities Ltd. is planning a development at 146 Downey Road. Following a series of meetings and lengthy, detailed discussions between the developer, City planning staff and the adjacent community, agreement has been reached on a 45-unit residential condominium development that we believe will fit well into our neighbourhood.

I understand that City Council will be dealing with the planning report recommending adoption of a by-law to implement the agreed upon development at its meeting on June 7, 2010. Since 146 Downey Road will be covered by a site-specific zoning by-law under the provisions of the in-force Official Plan, it would be inappropriate to re-designate the site as “Medium Density Residential” in the proposed Official Plan amendments. Any future developer should be bound by the same site-specific by-law, if, for whatever reason, Seaton Ridge were unable to develop the site.

As a resident of this neighbourhood, I would like to formally request that the Official Plan designation for this site remain “General Residential”. LH