1291 Gordon rezoning application

My neighbours and I are residents of Vaughan Street directly impacted by any rezoning city council might allow at 1291 Gordon St.

As previously expressed (see letter attached) we are seriously opposed to this for many good and valid reasons already stated.

As representatives of our city I’m wondering if you have had the opportunity to view the specific location under review and the obvious negative impact such a project would have on the area and its residents.

In addition, as new residents, we have become aware of another potentially serious problem that already exists in Guelph (namely student housing issues) and we are concerned that a project such as this could easily become another student “ghetto” which could have more very serious implications to the environment and residents in the area.

We are obviously very concerned and would like to believe that this project will be rejected in this location.

I would like to think that we can rely on you to vote against this project as we believe it has too many negative implications for the environment, for the residents who relied upon the integity of the city’s zoning laws when deciding to locate where they did as well as the city of Guelph in the pursuit of its stated public objectives.   GA