
I write to express my concerns regarding the proposed redevelopment of 716 Gordon Street and its impact on the contiguous community.

I note that the proposed redevelopment requires no fewer than ten changes to existing by-laws. These by-laws were put in place by previous councillors, presumably after serious consideration as to the well being of local communities . . . was this merely an exercise in futility?

The By-law Amendment to High Density Residential, especially given the numbers under consideration, will result in a tremendous increase in both pedestrian and vehicular traffic.While I don’t have exact statistics at my fingertips, the Stone Road – Gordon Street intersection has witnessed a substantial number of accidents over the past few years – a number that will certainly increase. I also note that there is a discrepancy between the proposed number of students and the numbers of parking spaces. Should there be more than one car per unit, how will the additional vehicles be accommodated? Since these are not condominium units, who is responsible for the maintenance of the development, both exterior and interior?.

A development of this magnitude will also have implications for the many people throughout the city who have legally converted part of their homes or redeveloped houses for student accommodations and are, dependent on the resulting income. Are these people aware of these proposal, especially given the fact that the university has said that there is no current need for additional student housing.

Finally a development of this magnitude, situated on a main entrance to the city will be an “eyesore” and have no redeeming features, esthetically speaking.

I note that City Council has informed only a minimum of affected residents of these proposals. I feel that it would have demonstrated a genuine desire to build good community relations, had all those who will be impacted, including those in the Arboretum Village, been notified and given an opportunity for input..

As a taxpayer and one who strongly believes in maintaining the integrity of local communities, I sincerely hope that City Council will take the concerns of the people who will potentially be impacted by such redevelopment seriously and not merely present them with a fait accompli by simply rubber stamping the current proposals. MS