The Best Western Inn Development

I am objecting to the proposed breaking of the city by-laws by the developer wanting to build on the Best Western Site. I hope to present my arguments to you when council meets on the 17th. As a courtesy I am circulating these to you now.

Thank You.

The Best Western Inn Development
1. We are not against student housing. Students need an inexpensive place to live when they are pursuing their studies.

2. Surely it would be to the University’s and student advantage to provide affordable student housing on campus if they saw that the present student housing on campus was inadequate. I was a faculty member for 30 years and I assure you that the University is run by very capable people.

3. Has the developer approached the University to propose such a building on campus? There is lots of land available and if the University saw a need it would build additional housing. We are not against reasonable and just development.

4. If the development was limited to a max of 3 stories – like the South complex we would have no objection. Here we have to be careful: the developer may know that they have put out an impossible proposal so they may be ready to scale it down. ‘We are reasonable people we will scale the project back by 40% – is that not reasonable?’ NO NO NO that means a 10 story and 8 story building! Even a 50% cut back is totally unacceptable. This would still require several existing by-laws to be broken. The limit is 3 and we should be very vigilant and united about this.

5. We are strongly against the 10 amendments proposed to the city by-laws. What are bylaws for if anyone can coerce city hall into changing them? Surely by laws are for the well being of the community as a whole?

6. I am one of the ‘oldest’ residents of the neighbourhood – certainly of Colborn St. I bought my house in Colborn St because I liked the area. I raised my kids there and now am living there in happy retirement. As most of you know I am a passionate environmentalist. I have been studying the birds and animals of our neighbourhood for 40 years now. Many rare and exotic birds have come to our neighbourhood. Right now there is a rare species of Wren living in the neighbourhood. Will this new development destroy our environment beyond recognition?

7. Surely when someone buys a home in Guelph they should feel that City Hall will protect them in their house and neighbourhood and not willy nilly go after any unscrupulous developer who wants to destroy these. Guelph is one of the best cities in Canada to live in – I emphasise to live in. If developers want to develop go right ahead but please, please, please be just and fair and develop within the existing laws. Please do not change the laws to suit yourself. AS