File: OP1001/ZC1010

We are writing to you to express our opposition to the proposed redevelopment of the Best Western Hotel, located at the corner of Stone Road and Gordon Street, file: OP1001/ZC1010.

The reasons for our opposition include the scale of the project, the impact on the neighbourhood, and the effect of segregating students from the community.

Presently the intersection of Stone and Gordon has the OMAFRA Building, The Delta Hotel, Best Western, and the University of Guelph. The redevelopment would see two towers, 16 storeys and 14 storeys, erected on the site where the Best Western is located. The scale of these towers is out of character and not in proportion with the existing structures.

A development on this scale, would directly impact the residents on Evergreen Road. Noise, congestion, pollution, parking, traffic (vehicle pedestrian and bicycle) would all increase to a level that will have a negative impact on the quality of life that is presently enjoyed by the neighbourhood..

Presently Mayfield Park is enjoyed by young families, ours included. A large concentration of young adults would change the character of the park and how it is used.

Guelph is a University town that welcomes students into the community. This type of development segregates students from the community. It is better for all if students are integrated into the community where they will have an opportunity to learn what it means to be a member of the community. Housing students into large complexes will only exasperate an “us and them” mentality. Furthermore, Off Campus Housing, at the University of Guelph, states that there is no shortage of student housing. This calls into question the need for such a development.

The scale of this development, and a large concentration of young adults, living in two high-rises, at the corner of Gordon Street and Stone Road, will have detrimental consequences for the neighbourhood. Moreover, the City is better served by having the students of the University of Guelph integrated into the City as contributing members of the community.RL