Home Owners Against Best Western Redevelopment

I am 20 years old and a student and I live right by the proposed redevelopment of the Best Western. Having seen the proposed high density student housing, I am worried and concerned for numerous reasons. I am not apposed to affordable student housing, but I am concerned about this particular proposal about things such as the size and location of the proposed plan. Being that this area is residential, the proposed plan is totally out of character with the community and neighborhood. I do not see how we inhabitants of this area, (some almost 50 years in the neighborhood) should have to deal with the fear of this proposal going through. Even the old Monticello Street does not contain street lights implicating the residential area and the heritage houses. I have a significant worry of the environmental impact, the noise increase, the increased traffic, and the fact that this redevelopment is in a residential area, to name a few of my concerns.

Furthermore, who is to say that the University of Guelph needs more student housing, because if a lack of housing existed, the University itself would propose more housing, not a separate private corporation. It just does not make sense which leads me to believe that they will not monitor who moves in as long as the spaces are filled. This is a University community, not a community for high rise buildings that may or may not just house students or what they intend to do with it.

Plus, the need for city police is a guaranteed increase because the campus police cannot patrol this property. Also, after reading the Guelph Tribute on a weekly basis I frequently notice the stress for more police presence in the downtown area during the weekends. Where the bulk of problems rest with the students, I cannot imagine the presence needed to curb 1500 students in a small area seven days a week.

In conclusion, I want to say that we all have a notion of private property; it is culturally prescribed. It is your land to do what you want even at the detriment of the community around it. The redevelopment plan on the Best Western property is a detriment to neighbors and the surrounding area. I do not see how people who have lived and grew up in this community should be given this dilemma in a residential area, especially when the decision does not belong to us. (P.S Please consider my concerns) MC