Proposed Development of 716 Gordon St.

I am writing this on behalf of myself and other residents of Campus Estates neighborhood.

We are not at all in favour of this development for several reasons, some of which are listed below.

1. This structure does not fit into the mostly residential area.
We believe that if this proposal goes through, it will lead to further contruction of this type in the Gordon St. corridor. It will be like entering Mississauga or Toronto!

2. If indeed, this structure is for students of U of G…it is our understanding according to personnel at the U of G, that more student housing is not needed. The apartment buildings
on Edinburgh Road across from Stone Rd. Mall) are not even filled to capacity. As well, some private homes where students rent are not filled. SO WHY IS THERE A NEED FOR MORE student residences?
IF there was a need, why wouldn’t the U of G have more apartments constructed on its property similar to those on Edinburgh Rd.

3. Already Harvard Rd is getting more busy, as drivers take this shortcut to Gordon or Edinburgh Rd. (depending which way you’re travelling) to avoid the lights on Stone Rd.
Even at Harvard & Gordon, there is a long wait at the lights, as the traffic on Gordon is heavy.
And Gordon St./Stone Rd intersection…the traffic, both pedestrian and vehicular, is horrendous at the best of times, withoout adding more to it.

4. What about the Campus Estates Plaza? Already the shoppers at No Frills are experiencing long line-ups at checkouts. How do you think the addition of 1500 more shoppers, OR even 500
more, will influence the capacity of this store as well as others in the Plaza.

5. AND this proposed development WILL DEFINITELY affect our property values

Most of the residents of this area came here because it was such a nice subdivision, but we can see it going downhill, along with the vallue of our properties.

Before making your decision on whether to support this Zoning change and contruction of the propose “monstrosity” we ask you to carefully and prayerfully consider our requests.EB