Further comments for Council – January 17

This email addresses several more of my concerns about the proposal by Abode Varsity Living Inc. to construct two immense residence towers at 716 Gordon Street.
The height and scale of the proposed towers will dwarf the surrounding buildings, including the two tallest buildings in our neighbourhood, the Delta Hotel and “1 Stone Road West.” The height difference will be all the more dramatic because the latter buildings are situated in hollows. The proposed type of development would be far more appropriate for a redevelopment of a city core, not a residential area.
I’m also concerned about the accuracy of the “Shadow Study.” I believe that the actual shadow affect of the proposed structures will be significantly greater than suggested. This building will seriously block the sunlight properties on Evergreen, particularly in the winter and when the sun’s angle is low. Using the latitude and longitude of Guelph and the “Sun or Moon Altitude/Azimuth Table: Locations Worldwide” (http://www.usno.navy.mil/USNO/astronomical-applications/data-services/alt-az-world), I calculated the altitude of the sun for three times on April 21st, 2011 (2pm, 4pm and 6pm). This data was used to calculate the shadow that a 16 storey building (assumed height: 160 ft) would cast (http://www.wsanford.com/ ~wsanford/shadow_length.html).
Time Sun Altitude Estimated Shadow
14:00 51.7 degrees 126 ft
16:00 33.3 degrees 244 ft
18:00 11.8 degrees 766 ft

Lastly, rumours are circulating that Dominic’s No Frills intends to move out of the Harvard Street Mall, and that its space will be taken over by a non-food store. This will be a loss to the
neighbourhood as a whole; but will create an added hardship for the residences of 716 Gordon Street.

Abode Varsity Living’s assessment of student driving, with the assumption that 716 Gordon Street’s location with its easy access to the University, shopping and services which mean
that the student tenants won’t require automobiles. The lack of sufficient parking spaces at 716 Gordon will mean that the tenants (student and nonstudent) will have to walk back from
Metro carrying their purchases – not a pleasant task on a winter’s evening.
I appreciate the opportunity to address Council of Monday, January 17th.AK