Preparing for Planning Decision on 1897 Gordon Street

As you do your preparation work in advance of the decision you are asked to make on the Planning Application for 1897 Gordon Street on June 27 I ask that you carefully consider what constitutes good planning and whether bulldozing an iconic portion of the Paris moraine, designated for preservation in perpetuity by both the 1995 OP and OPA42, constitutes good planning.

I attach my presentation of June 7 to City Council and a further background document I have prepared that seeks to explain the rather convoluted way that the Natural Heritage System was protected up to the passage of OPA 42.

I would be pleased to answer any questions you might have about the material in these two documents.

I will not be able to attend the June 27th meeting as I am attending a Canadian Water Resources Association Board meeting in St Johm’s NFL that day (I chair the CWRA Working Group on a Canada Wide Water Strategy and in this role have occasion to point with pride to the leadership being shown by the City of Guelph with regard to stewardship of water). HW

June 7 Presentation on 1897 Gordon Street

OP Provisions June 18