Civic Celebration – Santa Claus Parade Update

Staff issued an EOI to solicit a new community partner to enter into an agreement with the City as our service provider for the Civic Celebration – Santa Claus Parade in accordance with our procurement and grant application policies. The EOI was posted online and advertised in the Tribune, and was open to accept application between June 7 – 22. For your reference I have also attached my previous email to provide additional background.

Current Situation:
Applications closed yesterday at 16:30 and at that time, we had received one (1) application. The application was made by the Downtown Guelph Business Association (DBGA).

Follow Up Actions:
In the coming days, staff will be meeting and working with the DGBA to better understand the proposed event, and to make a determination if any approvals by Council are required. Additionally, staff will be preparing an information report for the July 12 CSS Committee as a formal status update. Staff