Heritage Designation & Sale of Ingram – Wilson Farmhouse & Land

Our email is to address the concerns shared at the July neighbourhood meeting re: the Ingram-Wilson Farm House and Land given for the people of this city. Guelph hosts and attracts residents with the image of a “Home” town to escape the GTA area. Every bit of our Greenspace areas should be salvaged. To sever and sell land donated for parkland to a specific portion of the city should not be changed into an option of private usage – it should stay as one unit. Our home purchase was done with the understanding the area was entirely parkland – for neighbours and all. Please review the Heritage designation as a choice made with limited information, especially if the house itself, as well as funding, does not allow for restoration. The only existing feature worth salvaging on this site is the mature trees for the future. If there is historical value in a small number of bricks and the two windows from the house, save those and relocate them to be displayed in our Guelph museum or offered in donation to the Farm museum in Milton. A plaque to commemorate the park area to preserve past history and family contribution is welcomed. The old house basement ruins can be a converted feature for the park gardens and the park access should remain accessible from all four corners of property for this growing community. We look forward to the re-evaluation of this important situation on Monday, July 25th. Our thanks again to our fellow neighbour Mike for his efforts, Councillor Andy for the motion to re-open, and both Councillors Andy and Ian for their extra time and consideration on July 17th. NR