The Human Toll Of Construction Toil: Follow the Black Brick Road

Last evening many of us if not all walked away from an organized meeting re City Hall Construction with much more than false pride regarding our states of lost income pending the Carden Street – City Hall resurrection. With the support of 22 /24 Businesses on Carden and many on Wilson we met for a second time to hone our issues regarding our frustrations: albeit outrage to be blunt. Many of you are already aware we have been severely affected by the stinging disorganization and abashed handling of the debacle in front of City Hall.
Perhaps though without elaborating further with our financial plights we need to open our eyes end especially those of the” Powers To Affect Change” at City Hall to take Notice and Responsibility for the effects of the prolonged ( 5 years) devastation this type of city reframing costs in human emotion.
Last night two families stepped forward awkwardly that have both suffered terrible human tragedy- We the constituents and City Staffers need to be aware. One family with a business for 13 years has had to declare personal bankruptcy, which in itself has to be one of the the most difficult hardships to assimilate personally. Yet another though has even had to send their infant children overseas to live and be supported by the extended family while the parents beat the brick pavement to try and find alternate means of income- having had to close their business’ door.
As a group amongst other things we are discussing ways to perhaps ask for the public’s support. Please publically acknowledge to your councils representative that they need to take responsibility and be accountable for projects in the name of PROGRESS that are long term overhauls affecting a great many of those they claim to be in servitude to. I’m doubtful that most of us as residents would be tolerant of 5 years of this kind of torment in front of our homes- even if it didn’t affect our livelihoods.TD