Bar-Stool Levy

I was reading Scott Tracy’s article in the Oct 28 Mercury with respect to implememting a bar stool levy for the downtown watering holes(bars).

I fully support this idea, in that poor store owners such as Mr. Mohaiuddin Baharmal cannot and should not have to fund the cost of repairing broken glass windows as the result of drunken bar patron behaviour. Bar owners must be held accountable.

This fund could also be used to offset the over $200,000 tax payer dollars (and probably more) overtime paid to Guelph police to control this drunken nighttime behaviour.
I wonder if the police service would really like to solve this issue or are they addicted to this huge overtime money maker for thie staff.

Please find a way to pass a bylaw to impose a bar stool levy on these downtown watering holes asap. MS