148-152 Macdonell St.

I urge you to send the planning department back to the drawing board with regard to the 18-storey condo building proposed by the Tricar Group at 148-152 Macdonell Street.

I am concerned that with the other proposed buildings for this area – the old Woods property, and the proposed development for Marianne’s Park – that the City is allowing a future clustering of high-rises that will irrevocably change the downtown. By allowing 18-storey high buildings we are overlooking the value of green spaces, of the river and its views, of the sun as we walk the streets and bike paths, and of the unique topography that Guelph has. Buildings of 18 storeys disconnect people even further from outdoor spaces so let’s not jump on the develop-at-any-cost band-wagon. With a building of this height downtown of Guelph will look and feel more like other cities with skyscrapers shutting out the sun and creating wind tunnels. Just stand at the corner of Paisley-Quebec and Norfolk Streets to get an idea of what any pedestrian encounters on even the least windy day.

Rather, require that this development incorporate a human-scale building of 6 storeys or less, perhaps even varying storey heights. Developers build to make money, and even though the City must comply with Places to Grow legislation, please let’s also be smart about the types of buildings we allow. The people of Guelph must live with these buildings, especially those who will not be living IN them. PM