very large buildings, permission to build and long term effects on Guelph

I am hoping that there are many emails flooding into your offices all calling for greater care and a longer time to take these long lasting decisions.

The FIVE high rise buildings in various stages of the decision process…the Co-Operator site, the Marsh Tire site and the three on the Wood site will have a significant and negative impact on our city-scape. Right now, most of the citizens of Guelph are not fully aware of the long term consequences of the decisions being taken.

To notify ‘people and properties in the narrow area following protocol’ is definitely not seeking input and clarification to all of the neighbourhoods impacted, and certainly does not give the full breadth of the impact of these buildings to the ‘whole’ citizenry of Guelph. (We live in the St George’s park area and were not notified.)

The very nature of our city will be altered dramatically. Few people, right now, are aware of the decisions being taken at the council, and I am concerned that we will be faced with long term regret for decisions taken in haste.

We have always prided ourselves in this city to be devoted to beauty and preservation of a life style envied by others…I do realize the complexity of life today demanding that a significant tax base must be created…

I am asking that we enter into meaningful discussions involving the people of Guelph so that with care and consideration we can implement a process respecting the ‘fine balance’ between progress and the quality of life we celebrate here in Guelph! J&DC