St. Patrick's Day Wrap Up

Just wanted to provide an initial update on the St. Patrick’s Day Festivities.

Our operational plan last approximately 20 hours (Sat 8am to Sun 4am).

The morning started slowly thanks to the cooler temperatures and fog although picked up considerably as the day continued.

Scottsdale, Ironwood, Kortright Rd W, Steffler, Whispering Ridge, Harts Lane, Reid Court, Cedar and Edinburgh Rd – were all ‘hot spots’ for parties as well significant pedestrian movement.

A few minor spots on Gordon Street South. There was a very vocal citizen in the area. An Inspector  and I met with the citizen in attempt to explain by-laws as well as the policing plan. We have extended an invite to the upcoming Rickson Ridge neighbourhood meeting.

The University corridor was busy although no major issues.

Downtown from 12pm onward was steady and picked up considerably from 9pm onward.

We recorded the ‘challenging’ addresses and will follow up with University outreach as well as property managers.

Throughout the day – service demand was significant although no violence and partygoers were well spirited. For the most part this continued into the early morning.

We had a pedestrian collision Downtown around 1am (minor). Otherwise no major incidents.

Waterloo Regional and London Police services had to deploy additional resources including public order units after significant property damage, fire setting and crowd issues.

We are finalizing our data this morning and will forward once complete.

I have requested we review our operational plan as part of debrief.    The Chief