148 MacDonnell

Can I express my outrage and general disapproval of the proposed 148-152 MacDonnell development proposal.

Where is the City in terms of quality of life, quality of development and moving forward in best interest of its citizens?

Most assuredly I agree with concerns being brought forward by mindful citizens around 1) non-conformity with existing planning documents, 2) inappropriate scale (mostly excessive height), 3) inappropriate position with respect to proximity to the river corridor (section 5.9 View Corridors of the Urban Design Brief mentions nothing about views from various locations to the Church of Our Lady).

Additionally, concerns over land ownership by the City within the development envelope and the disposal of such land not being transparent, AND this development as proposed setting a dangerous president for other future out-of-scale and inappropriate development to continue to occur in downtown Guelph is of great concern.

Surely there is an appropriate middle ground that would support a building half the proposed height above ground, and of an architectural character that would fit with its environment, such as being stepped back from the river and the street, while at the same time protecting any views that there may be to and from the Church of Our Lady. This all being taken into consideration with other concerns that citizens have expressed about this project.

Thank you for your time, attention to and appropriate action being taken on this matter. BP