Closing dowtown pilot project

Here we go again it’s that time of season for the students. i know it’s a tough decision to control the downtown when the bars let out, putting up bathrooms i guess it’s going to be interesting to see what happens there but these new taxi stands are not a good idea. the previous pilot project did not work just on the sole reason of safety to the taxi drivers because of the lack of police presence. it wasn’t a bad idea i think if the police were present i think there would be more safety for taxi drivers and the students at these stands. now you want to close the streets down so that all these thousands of students are at these new stands are the police going to be present at these stands because if there not it will be the same thing again the safety of the students and the taxi drivers. i WILL NOT expect my driver nor tell him to drive into the war zone when there is no police present and I’m sure there won’t be. my driver is better off and safer picking up at other locations that are not at these taxi stands.
Please why don’t you include both taxi companies at these meetings to have our input also, maybe there is a solution out there some where. i know some of the councillors do not know so now everybody knows. so please if you want this project to be successful please have the police to be just as involved in making this work it’s up to them to hold the students accountable for there actions and stop blaming the taxi companies for the lack of policing at these stands it will work if they are there arresting students for making it unsafe for drivers and other students that just want to get home.
P.S. THANK YOU for letting me say my 2 cents worth GOOD LUCK!!!   F