Annual Guelph Farmers' Market Customer Appreciation Day

Staff memo.

Our first Guelph Farmers’ Market Customer Appreciation Day was held in August 2012 and was considered extremely successful by our customers, both regular and new, as well as fully supported by our vendors through donations of various produce. We served over 700 burgers and hot dogs during the event on a wonderful sunny day. Our Guelph Farmers’ Market Executive was fully supportive of the idea and aided us through both the planning and implementation process. The costs to implement this event were shared by the vendors providing produce, the City through the 2012 Operating Budget and a $400 award from the Greenbelt Event Fund, for initiating a farmers market event to celebrate “community building with fresh, local produce, farm products and arts and crafts.”

Our second annual Farmers’ Market Customer Appreciation Day is scheduled for this upcoming Saturday. It intended not only to thank our customers but more importantly to celebrate the “return home” of the Guelph Farmers’ Market. Once again this year we have received a $400 grant from the Greenbelt Event Fund. In addition, our vendors are donating product and monetary donations to help with supplies and costs, other companies such as Gay Lee are donating butter for our event, the Sleeman Centre and Coca Cola are generously donating 1500 drinks (pop, water and juice), our concession vendor is assisting us with 300 portions of coffee, and the donut vendor once again this year is offering donuts for the day. The concession vendor is also donating his large BBQ for our use at no cost. Booth contract staff and family members as well as office staff volunteer to assist with setting up, cooking and preparing condiments, to make this event a success.

We will also have some entertainment: a balloon lady to make balloon figurines for the kids, a kids play area to colour agriculture related items, and the Royal City Music Production will be on site to sing songs for their upcoming performance of Joseph to be held at the River Run Centre.

At present, the event has a projected cost of approximately $3,500. The City portion of this costs is estimated to be approximately $1,000 based upon monetary donations, the $400 grant from the Greenbelt Event Fund and vendors donations of produce. City funding is from the advertising budget within the Guelph Farmers’ Market 2013 Operating Budget, as we feel this is an excellent way to bring in new customers and to let our regulars customers know that we appreciate them as well.

In summary, the annual Guelph Farmers’ Market Customer Appreciation Day event, is a vendor valued initiative that aligns with the existing Guelph Farmers’ Market Governance Model and is fully supported by the Guelph Farmers’ Market Vendor Executive.  Staff