Best Western development project

As you know, the neighbourhood in which I live is very unique. All the properties have large, private lots. Many of the owners, are the “original” owners of the homes and were the people who built them years ago when this area of Guelph was still considered “the country.” We have no sidewalks on many of our streets, and we have no streetlights – and we want to keep it this way. It is very much a quiet, family neighbourhood just steps away from shopping and the University.

I object to the proposal, File : OP1001/ZC1010 for a variety of reasons which I would like to share with you.

1. The scale of the proposed building is inappropriate and out of character with any of the other buildings in the area. It would be a monster. The surrounding properties are bungalows or two storey houses. The shopping mall in the Harvard Plaza and a single storey. A building of 14 or 16 storeys is not in keeping with the current buildings.

2. The infrastructure in not in place to deal with 1500 new residents.

3. The increase in both pedestrian and vehicular traffic would create safety concerns for the area. An entrance off Gordon Street would be unsafe. The city just spent months constructing a bicycle lane in front of this proposed site. I have witnessed, on numerous occasions, students not heeding traffic lights when crossing both Stone Road and Gordon Street. My fear is that, with so many more students, in such a concentrated area, there will be serious accidents.

4. Policing of rowdiness is a concern. I have been downtown on many weekend evenings and seen the thousands of students lining up to get into bars and the bedlam that occurs after the bars close. Who will police the 1500 students coming back up Gordon Street, possibly having had too much to drink and causing damage to properties on their way back home? The Guelph newspapers have had many, many articles, discussing these issues.

5. We have a park in the neighbourhood which has been enjoyed by the residents of the area. It is a safe and quiet place to bring young children to play on the swings or kick a soccer ball. A few years ago, a beach volleyball league started using the park. Parking became quite an issue. Garbage became an issue. Public drinking became an issue. Broken beer bottles became an issue. The students will undoubtedly find the park and many of these problems could occur again.

6. There is no provision for a gradual increase in building heights for these buildings. It will go from bungalows or two storey homes on Evergreen to a 14 and 16 storey monster on Gordon Street.

7. Homes in the area will not have afternoon sun.

8. There will be an increase in noise pollution, both from noise and from heating/air conditioning units.

9. There will be light pollution. As I mentioned, we presently have no street lights so in the evenings, our environment is dark, peaceful and quiet. With all these apartment buildings, there will most definitely be an increase in the light at night from these units.

10. Security issues will arise. The University has rules for their students with consequences for those who chose to disobey them. In these units, while they say there will be security, there are no consequences in place should the tenants behave inappropriately. 1500 students, in a building, with no rules is a recipe for disaster!

11. If some of the units have 5 bedrooms, it is considered a lodging house and this area is not zoned for this.

12. The view of the residents, which presently consists of trees, will become a wall of concrete and glass. I prefer trees.

13. Many, many trees will be cut to make way for these monsters.

I hope you will consider my areas of concern and please keep me advised of all decisions. I am a life long resident of Guelph. I am raising my family in this area. It is a wonderful neighbourhood and I would like to keep it that way. LS