Best Western High Rise Redevelopment Proposal

I would like to make three brief comments with respect to the proposed 16 storey high rise at the corner of Stone and Gordon Street.

First, I think most people with any common sense would agree that a 16 storey student residence at one of the highest points in Guelph, immediately adjacent to a residential area is ludicrous. This is more than three times the height of the Delta Inn across the street and more than three times the height of the University Centre!

Secondly, this proposal, as noted in the press is not supported by the University as they do not feel there is a need and I suspect they are in a position to know whether more student residences are required. If the owners are not able to fill it with students what will they do with it?

Finally, Abode in a public presentation in November suggested that such a building would help alleviate some of the current problems experienced by student unruliness in the old University area. To the contrary, such a building will likely result in current owners near the proposed building selling to landlords wanting to rent to students so the City will in effect have another (student) problem area to deal with.

I trust our elected officials will give some serious thought to all the concerns raised about this very questionable project.DL