Best Western site

While not opposed to redevelopment of the Best Western site at Gordon and Stone, we are, however, opposed to the plan which will be brought to council shortly.
These monster buildings are NOT in keeping with the surrounding structures. It is troubling that so many ammendments and variances are being requested re:size of the structure. Most of the professional buildings along Gordon are 2 or 3 stories in height. These proposed buildings will result in a loss of sunlight and privacy for the people on the west side of Evergreen Street. The high -density housing is not in keeping with the adjacent quiet, residential neighbourhood.

The increased vehicle and pedestrian traffic at an already busy intersection is also a concern.

We are concerned about the increased noise levels as a result of 1500 more people moving about as well as heating and air conditioning units on the roof of these buildings.

The destruction of 71 mature evergreen trees as well as the increased demand on water resources are environmental concerns.

There could be insufficient parking spaces – where are they to go?? We have “no parking” signs on our streets. Many of us have received parking tickets when parked in front of our own homes for a short while.

This threatens the unique character of our neighbourhood – mature trees, quiet ( in terms of sound and vehicular and pedestrian traffic), dark at night – a slice of country in the city.

Other buildings by this developer do not back onto quiet residential neighbourhoods. One has only to visit Waterloo and see what monsters these buildings are. Who wants to look out their back yards and see these looming over them?? RZ