BIA Fees

1. Business Improvement Areas are governed by the Ontario Municipal Act (sections 204-215).

2. BIA’s are constituted in a defined geographic area, and everyone within that area must participate.

3. BIA’s are established to undertake improvements to public spaces within their defined areas, and to promote their area for business and shopping.

4. The Act requires that the Municipality raise the funds for the BIA budget by special levy.

5. The BIA is to submit an annual budget to the municipality for approval, and is required to provide yearly reports and audited statements.

6. Repeal of a BIA Bylaw can only be done by the Municipality, and is initiated either through a request of the BIA Board of Management, or by a special petition and vote of a significant proportion of the BIA membership. Be advised that there are specific rules that govern that procedure, as prescribed in the Act.

7. Guelph has had a form of Downtown Board of Management since 1972. The current Bylaw was approved in 1981, and updated as recently as 2008.

If you require further information or clarifications please contact Ian Panabaker at City Hall.

I have also included a link for your further information provided by the Province on Business Improvement Areas Staff