Biltmore Hats Factory

I have been following with interest the newspaper articles regarding the old Biltmore Hats factory on York Road and Morris Street. I was raised just above the tracks in the Ward and know all that area very well.

Personally I think it is an eye sore but that is of course my personal opinion. It is my hope that no decision will be made until all elements have be discussed to death. That many town houses would of course increase the traffic flow, but I am thinking of the schools in the area. Both Tytler and Sacred Heart Schools are old and small. Could they support an influx of students? Ian I know I sound like a broken record when say there are no grocery stores in the area. Angelino’s is a few block away but it does not handle everything. I am in favour of the demolishion of the old plant but feel the number of town houses should be cut in half. BP