Bus Hub Relocation

I am writing this email on behalf of the owners and tenants of 90 Carden Street. As you all know, the Travel Lodge has made their position clear that they appose the relocation of the buses to Carden Street. They have done so through letters and emails to council and publically through the Guelph Mercury and Tribune. The owners group of 90 Carden Street has chosen to deal directly with city hall regarding our concerns in respect to pollution, noise and additional lighting that will all have a negative impact on the tenants of 90 Carden street. We have also made it quite clear that the current design of the bus hub has buses turning within just a few feet of our tenants windows, the turning radius is so sharp that they had to remove all the parking in front of our building so the buses could make the turn. This is unacceptable and yet we have heard nothing to rectify this problem.

It was our expectation that all of our concerns would be met before this project moved forward. Unfortunately our requests to the city in regards to our concerns have fallen on deaf ears. The advice I got when we first were made aware of the bus relocation to Carden street was to work with the city, if that goes no where then go to council. So now hear we are, I ask anyone of you who are willing to listen, please make sure the concerns of not just the owners of 90 Carden Street but as well as the tenants who are entitled to a quiet and peaceful environment to live in are addressed.

The majority of owners of 90 Carden Street are all local to Guelph. Born and raised. We take pride in what we have done to clean up not just the appearance but the reputation of our building. And we’re not done yet. We provide a clean, safe and quiet environment in which to live. It would be a shame if this project moves forward jeopardizing all we have accomplished. I need someone to ask the questions that we have asked but have failed to get answers to. What assurances is the city going to make that our concerns will be dealt with.

I understand that this topic is not on the list for tonight’s council meeting, but if it does come up, I implore you to make sure that we are not forgotten. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time.JS