Category: Going Downtown

New tactics fighting downtown rowdyism

The following article appeared in the August 28 edition of the Guelph Tribune: Turning part of downtown Guelph into a pedestrian corridor during busy weekend late nights in September will not necessarily solve the problems associated with the bar crowds, but the city’s Night Life Task Force thinks it’s worth a shot. The main reason for the closures: “The idea is to […]

Many hopeful but uncertain about late-night plan to close streets downtown Guelph

The following article appeared in the August 23 edition of the Guelph Mercury. (I was interviewed by the Mercury for this piece, providing background and context for the pilot project. This  item has been discussed at the Nightlife Task Force for a number of months.  Not sure why my perspective was excluded. ian) If there’s a way to effectively move […]

Request For Additional Transit Service To St. George's Sqaure

Provided below is a summary of the issue and the assessment that my staff has recently completed related to the provision of additional transit service in St. George’s Square (the Square). Guelph Central Station (GCS) opened in May 2012 with the associated movement of Guelph Transit hub operations from the Square to the new facility. […]

Sunday Opens

There are about 85 stores and services and restaurants open on Sunday Downtown. We have them listed on our website. Lots are closed but that’s the choice of the businesses. The DGBA is working on a campaign to highlight what is open and hope the example will lead to an increase in the number. Anything […]

Lion's Show 'n Shine Car Show

Please see attached for details about the car show Downtown Guelph Sunday August 5th. Things to note: Road Closures – Wyndham (Woolwich to Macdonell) , Cork Street (Dettmer’s to Wyndham), Douglas , Quebec (Baker to Wyndham) – Closure is from 11am – 7pm Entertainment: An Elvis Impersonator and Patsy Cline covers in St. Georges Square […]


Well, the Mercury had an article in the Saturday edition regarding the effect the new transit hub is having on upper Wyndham street stores and banks. Dah, should the powers that be not realize that this would happen. Basically everyone knows that except for a few businesses (one of which is yours), the patrons of […]